COSS Updates & Announcements
2 min readMay 22, 2019

Traders are a critical part of our ecosystem, and we thank you for your support.

We have had many queries regarding changing to a negative maker fee structure from our community.

Multiple fee models have been investigated and your feedback has also been taken into account.

A change to negative fees is quite a complicated task; more complicated than simply changing a few parameters. In the meantime, we will implement a ‘stop-gap’ solution while our developers ready the system for negative fees.

Starting next week, we will set the MAKER fees at 0 and the TAKER fees at 0,2% (0,15% with 25% discount function) This will be a fixed fee with no tiers so ALL traders can enjoy this.

Here is the new trading fee with negative maker fee that we aim to deliver during June:

Subject to change.

As you can see, we are reducing the tiers to 3 to make the entire fee structure easier to grasp for everyone. Do note that this structure is subject to change and the numbers shown may or may not be the final one, but we should be very close.

Short news today; but one we feel you would welcome!

Meanwhile, we continue working on our roadmap, short- and long-term deliverables and the upcoming token swap into ARX. We will keep you posted as we get closer.

Tell your friends, tell your family; work continues on to make a better COSS for you and for all.

Join in the community at our various channels :



COSS Updates & Announcements

COSS is a Singapore based cryptocurrency exchange trading both Crypto and Fiat pairs.