UPDATE — 24th July 2019

COSS Updates & Announcements
5 min readJul 24, 2019

Hello, everyone. COSS, Crypto One Stop Solution, continues to grow. At times, it might feel that there are no announcements and new enhancements but the team is always working behind the scenes to make user experience better every time you log in.

In today’s update, we are going to discuss the following:

  1. COSS.io — New Look & updates
  2. Upcoming IEO platform and its unique features
  3. Fiat to Crypto update
  4. FSA & Fee structure Update
  5. Nodes and Wallets Update
  6. Other updates and improvements
  7. Community Feedback Form

COSS.io updates.

  1. We are pleased to announce that a new, fresh look for COSS.io is in the works and we are targeting a September release. The new website has an improved design, and we’ve put in extra effort to make sure that visitors to the site will find it easy to understand and navigate to our current products in the ecosystem: the COSS exchange and COSS wallet.

Website responsiveness, SEO/SMM, and site analytics are being worked on before getting it to QA and final testing. Here’s a look at our work in progress :

2. Negative maker fees have successfully been implemented, and we are starting to see an increase in volume. This is validation that our commitment to improving the exchange is paying off. Several other measures are being put in place along with a simpler FSA / Fee structure that should be implemented as planned in August. Rest assured that we are not stopping in our efforts to make a bigger, better and simpler COSS exchange for you.

Fiat to Crypto update. There are several vendors we have been evaluating to get this right, both for the exchange as well as the wallet. We have narrowed down on two Fiat Providers, both of which will be able to offer multiple Fiat currencies on our platform. Once final agreements are signed, we will make this a priority to roll out as soon as possible.

We will release more details on our new fiat provider once the final agreements are signed and closer to implementation. This process will require technical integration and navigating regulatory waters, but we are also looking out for a simple user experience and making sure we have customer support in place before this solution is released. We also want to make sure that we are very competitive vs other exchanges in providing a comprehensive solution to the community.

IEO Platform — JUMPSTART coming soon. Initial Exchange Offering, or IEO, is a feature that was initially in COSS 1.0, and we are bringing it back in a newer, sleeker format. We have been working on this for some time now, and are finally ready to give you a look at our new IEO platform, which is targeted for launch in August once we have some great projects signed up. Our IEO platform will also be available on both COSS exchange and COSS wallet, making it the first ever IEO platform that will allow you to take part in IEOs, right from the palm of your hand.

In addition, we are working on more automation for projects to enable them to conduct IEOs within the wallet as long as certain legal and quality criteria are met. It is our intention to roll out great projects that make us stand out, benefit our community and increase liquidity & FSA. We will also be rolling out schemes to allow community members or anyone to refer IEO’s and share proceeds & rewards. Let the games begin!

Nodes and Wallets Update. Wallet security on the exchange is a constant obsession with our devs, as it should be. Cyber attacks are becoming more and more sophisticated, and almost every other month, you hear the news of yet another exchange suffering an attack. We stay vigilant in our constant security monitoring, and more vulnerabilities have been patched since our last update.

Node upgrade work on BCH and ZEN continues. Let us give you an idea of the work that goes into upgrading a node. There are many different nodes out there, from BCH, NEO, ZEN, etc. Every node requires an extensive understanding of its operations: the validation rule of transactions over the node, for example. We need to build a system to handle exceptional cases, as well as a secure way of integrating the node into the exchange. Upgrading nodes is slow and detailed work, but we will update you as soon as there’s more progress on this. BCH is still on target for July / August and Horizen should be completed very quickly thereafter. We are putting a proper system in place so that future chain(s) integration and their maintenance would be a smoother, faster process.

Other Updates & improvements. There are also numerous behind-the-scenes initiatives that we are pursuing right now, which are critical to the exchange. For security reasons, we won’t go into too much detail, but we want to give you some examples of what we are working on:

- Enhanced KYC management

- Enhanced console management

- Back Office Management for quicker access and reporting

Stay tuned for more updates coming your way.

Community Feedback Form. We are committed to ensuring even the slightest of bugs and the simplest of feedback is tracked and eventually worked upon. Over the past few weeks, we have listed and prioritised bugs and feedback that have been pointed out to us informally. We would like to share a form created by Andy, our community member, and transferred over to the COSS team. You can freely share any feedback you may have and we will do our best to address it.

Form: https://forms.gle/gCAUMqbitPff9vCK7

You can expect to hear from us again, soon… :)

Join the community at our various channels :

Telegram Announcement Channel: https://t.me/COSSchat

Telegram General Discussion group: https://t.me/myCOSS

Telegram API/Bot Discussion group: https://t.me/COSSAPI

Chinese Telegram General Discussion group: https://t.me/myCOSSchinese

DACH Telegram General Discussion group: https://t.me/myCOSSdach

COSS Info channel (Community managed): https://t.me/COSSinfo2

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/COSScrypto/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/COSScrypto

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/CossIO/

YouTube: https://goo.gl/hd6tBg



COSS Updates & Announcements

COSS is a Singapore based cryptocurrency exchange trading both Crypto and Fiat pairs.