Discover Doñana National Park

The largest and undoubtedly one of the most impressing national and natural parks in Spain

The Lifestyle Club
Costa de la Luz


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Coto Doñana is the largest and undoubtedly one of the most impressing national and natural parks in Spain with a protected area of 247.000 acres.

The complex mosaic of land and water, which was declared UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1994, comprises 4 different eco systems:

  • You can walk along 25 kilometers of unspoilt beach with white sand
  • Be impressed by the moving dunes between Matalascañas and the mouth of the Guadalquivir
  • Pine forests are home of deers, wild boars, badgers and other mammals. Two of the species at serious risk of extinction, the Iberian Lynx and the Imperial Eagle, also live here.
  • Europe´s most important wetland, the “Marismas” change completely during the year: What in winter looks like an endless lake and give shelter to innumerable animals turns into an extensive dry shelf during the hot summer months. Here you find the oldest European horse bread: the “Retuerta”-horse.

Birds´paradise: Over 360 species live in this important bird breeding and migration area, where especially in April and May visitors can experience the explosion of sound, color and life.

Licensed companies offer 4-hour guided tours with 4-wheel-drive-vehicles and experienced guides, showing the breathtaking beauty and variety of the park. Moreover, nature trails departing from several visitors´ centers in different locations (e.g. El Acebuche, La Rocina, José Antonio Valverde) provide an opportunity to watch bird life from hidden viewpoints and get to know more about flora and fauna.

Originally, the upper class used to organize chases in this area rich in game, later it became a royal hunting ground. When the Duke of Medina Sidonia received it as a recognition for loyal service, it was named after his wife “El Coto de Doña Ana”, nowadays Coto Doñana.

The protection of the Doñana area was the first project of the WWF (World Wide Fund of Nature). In 1963 the foundation together with the Spanish Government bought part of the territory and created the first sanctuary.

Planning a trip to the Costa de la Luz? Book your holiday apartments at

Originally published at on January 15, 2015.

