Costanoa Access Fellowship

Greg Sands
Costanoa Ventures
Published in
3 min readMar 22, 2017

There is a lot of discussion about the lack of women and underrepresented minorities in venture capital. Many debate if it’s a problem of bias, pipeline, or other factors, but what we know for sure is the current state isn’t good enough for the industry or Costanoa.

Even the biggest journeys start with one small step. This is why we’ve decided to create a summer fellowship so each year we give someone access to the first rung of the venture capital ladder. Too often, what’s missing is simply access, and if that exists, our team can provide insight and opportunity to the next generation.

On a personal level, the inspiration for this is my maternal grandmother, Clarice Mattson, the first in a long line of strong women in my life. She was a bright inquisitive kid, the first in her family to leave the farm in rural Minnesota to seek a college education at the University of Minnesota. In the 1950s, she raised four children on her own. She ran the sports program at the local recreation center including a large dose of speed skating before she went back to graduate school and got her degree in social work. She grinded. Sometimes she suffered under the weight of it all. But she never stopped trying and doing her best.

We’re looking for people like Clarice — someone with drive, determination, and intelligence to spare.

Because we focus on companies that change the way the world does business, we want someone who has a couple of years of business experience, likely between years at business school but an engineering or computer science student is also welcome. Demonstrated love of technology and/or entrepreneurship is a must but a technical degree isn’t. Exceptional professionalism, execution and comfort using excel and other analytical tools are necessary. Achievement in your chosen fields, demonstrated ability to take on outsized challenges and rise to the occasion, initiative and leadership will be central to our process.

We look forward to getting to know more of the next generation’s rising stars and creating access to a new path for wherever your journey leads you…

Costanoa Access Fellowship Application:

Please fill out the application to apply for the two month fellowship at Costanoa Ventures. The fellowship will take place between June and August at Costanoa Ventures in Palo Alto.

The deadline is Friday, April 14. We will reach out to final round candidates by April 21 for interviews. No resumes will be accepted.

Preview of the application:

1. Please provide your first and last name.
2. Please provide your email address and mobile phone number.
3. Please provide your LinkedIn URL.
4. Pick one of Costanoa’s portfolio companies. Assess the company in the following areas (max: total 750 words, submit PDF):

— Team
— Product
— Market

5. Submit a two minute video of yourself sharing what your favorite product is and why you love it.

Click here for the application.

Questions? Email

