How to evolve your revision plans

Antonio D'Costa
Published in
2 min readSep 16, 2019

I get asked about this wa…y too many times than I can type: What do I do with the 12,000 bookmarks or so that I’ve accumulated?

Well, you’re not the only one. I had 12,000 (or was it 20k?) bookmarks from QBank myself.

And while preparing my revision schedule, I realised I’d not benefit much from revising them.


  1. They were marked at a time when I didn’t have experience, as to what was important, and were based on just my ((over)confidant) whims.
  2. There were repeated bookmarks which didn’t cover the breadth of the subjects I had to revise.

So what DO you do with them?

As I always tell ya’ll in my replies- kindly don’t blindly copy me, but rather look at how I approach something and fit it for yourself.

*dramatic pause*

I dumped them.


Dumped them all. 12,000 bookmarks prepared for revision over 9 months, just dumped.

Because it made sense.

Instead of wasting time with a dead past, I chose to choose and devise newer bookmarks that were NOT the same as the old one’s. My new bookmarks would be:

  1. Succinct and compressed.
  2. As few as I possibly could make them, by combining various concepts into one.

These were two mistakes I felt I’d done while bookmarking. I’d been over generous because I “didn’t want to miss something important”.

Back in those 9 months, I didn’t have the privilege I had now, as I’d not been exposed to all the subjects and the concepts therein.

Now, at the present time, I knew my skills and knowledge and capitalised on it.

That’s how my personal Last Minute Revision notes were born.

That’s how you have to evolve.

So here’s a few points to decide what works for you:

  1. You have to move with the times, look at the past, and stay in the present.
  2. You have to be quick to formulate newer plans during revision time- this is when you have to pay very good attention and be exceptionally smart at focusing all your energy on what get’s YOU results.
  3. Don’t just blindly follow people now. Look at yourself, and change any plan if you have to.
  4. Don’t waste time sticking to your old things just because you’ve invested a lot of time in them… You’ll lose what you’re aiming for, while saving what you should have dumped.
  5. Always remember- You NEED a RANK.
    ANYTHING that gets in the way of preventing this, howmuchever time you may have put in it, you WILL have to dump and move on.
  6. Strategise in the present, from what you’ve learnt from your past mistakes.

I hope that gives some clarity on what you need to do with your bookmarks- Will you need to dump them all?
Will you need to compress them (if you’ve already written notes on them)?

Only YOU know the answers to that. Use my pointers to guide your thinking.

Best regards,

Study Well

May the Force be with you.

{This article is a part of the CostaPG publication.



Antonio D'Costa

Doctor- MD Pediatrics, KEM and Wadia Hospitals, Mumbai.