How to Set Goals

Antonio D'Costa
Published in
3 min readFeb 11, 2019

This is the first thing that you have to do NOW!

  • Why are you even attempting this exam?
    [ Write it down ]
  • What will you get for the hard work you put in?
    [ Write it Down ]
  • How will it satisfy you?
    [ Write it DOWN ]
  • What will you be sacrificing?
    [ List them down- going out with friends, etc. etc… ]
  • Are you HONESTLY OK with these sacrifices??
    [ List Them down. ]
  • How will you change your behaviour for these sacrifices, if needed?
    [ List down your strategies, for when the time arises. ]
    eg. How will you say no to friends? What will you say?, etc etc…
  • Are you sure you’re not better off just living life like it is?? Why not?? Seriously.

These are some of the questions you need to answer and write down in a notebook or stick on your wall or a mirror.

And then you have to write these down again everyday, once as soon as you wake up and once before going to sleep.
Your success depends on this. Your mind needs to weld this in it’s head, just as it welds new MCQs in as they’re repeated multiple times.

# Here’s my example:
For me, the goal was Freedom. Freedom to risk it all and go for my potential.
This was when I’d scored a rank of 29k in NEET PG 2018, and I stood in line 5 hours-something for counselling.

And took nothing.

Then comes the Why?
Because I knew if I blew this chance, and didn’t take a drop for a year, when I absolutely knew I could honestly do better (considering I’d got 29k with just 2 months of studying) I’d REGRET it my whole life.

Regrets are not the most pleasant of things when you look back on life. They’re in the past- immutable. And having an “only if I’d done this” is worse that having tried and failed at something- personally speaking.

So I knew I had to take a chance.

I knew I had to forget everything else and focus just on studies for ONE YEAR to PROVE MY JUDGEMENT about myself was RIGHT.

I was ready to do all what it took.

But, through my NEET PG 2019 preparation, my goals evolved.
It went from doing something for myself, to taking down notes so that one day I could get somewhere to teach on how you can go from 29k to Rank 715 in 365 days.

And here I am- A whole BUNDLE of notes on what works and what doesn’t… all kept in hopes I’d get to share them if I succeeded.

Rank 715- NEET PG 2019.

This isn’t an over-exaggeration.
Back during preparation it always seems silly to have such lofty goals. But they’re important no matter what other’s say, because they give you a GREATER PURPOSE than yourself to keep persevering and to plough through to eventually attain it. You need to be responsible for more than yourself, eventually.

So, the main point is- Start ATLEAST with a (personal) goal and a purpose.
Evolve it into something much more than you as you get better and better at your studies over time, to where it’ll drive you to keep going no matter what.
Don’t expect some “great” purpose to land at your feet overnight. If you start with the smallest of reasons to get a good rank, you’ll nurture and evolve it into a greater purpose to get a greater rank.


{Writers Note: These are all the actions I still continue till date- the writing down goals daily especially. It worked for me, and keeps working to not get me distracted.
Nothing in the article above is added out of superfluity}

{This article is a part of the CostaPG publication.}



Antonio D'Costa

Doctor- MD Pediatrics, KEM and Wadia Hospitals, Mumbai.