How to use this Publication

Antonio D'Costa
Published in
2 min readSep 4, 2019

The articles have increased in number so I’ve decided to write a small intro. for new followers

This publication represents my journey through studying for NEET PG.

A Little about Myself.

I had realised a long time back that If I did make it and got a good rank, I’d write about it down, and help out my fellow colleagues who’re attempting the exam.

And I did make it.

I ranked 715 in the 2019 NEET PG

Right now I’m pursuing MD Pediatrics at King Edward Memorial Hospital, Mumbai and I’m posted at Bai Jerbai Wadia Charitable Children’s Hospital (the same Wadia’s that own Brittania, GoAir and Bombay Dyeing)

It is first year and as I’d promised myself I still make time to write here.

My intentions in doing so were dual:

  1. I wanted to have a higher reason to succeed
  2. I wanted to pave the path and let other’s know what to expect and how to go about the journey.

You have to realise that NEET PG is going to be a turning point for your life- It’s stressful.

Studying everyday is stressful; Every Test result is something that could make you feel bad; Scheduling is scary since you don’t know if it’ll work or not.

I went through these feelings of wondering if what I’m studying is right to not.

I went through the feelings when someone tells you their strategy is different and you doubt yourself.

I went through these feelings where people will go cold since you’ve changed in behavior and are focusing more on your studies.

And I passed through, to give birth to this Publication.

Welcome to CostaPG.

So, How should you use this publication?

To begin with, I’d encourage the new reader to start from the bottom.

At the lowest are the articles that list how to set up a year’s schedule, and how to go about studying.

I’ve included my own personal time tables too.

As you go to the middle, I’ve started focusing on the details and explaining why each is important- Why you should do MCQs, and how to attack them; Why you should answer test series.

As you go towards the newer articles, you’ll be in the months of revision, and that’s when I explain when to start revision and what to focus on.

The reason the publication follows this pattern is because that’s how I got asked questions by the readers.

As people keep asking questions, I write about them and hence this blog should have almost all of your questions regarding studying for NEET PG answered.

I’d also like to state that this publication wouldn’t have been possible without the contribution and advice of a lot of people, much of whom I’ve credited where I could.

I’ve also started a Store to gather funds to scale the Publication and reach out to a larger audience.

Check it out here: CostaPG Store
A Bonus from the store- Link to my Personal Notes.

Lastly, Thank you for reading and best of luck for you exams.

If you’d like to contribute, feel free to email me here.

Join the CostaPG community: Subscribe here.



Antonio D'Costa

Doctor- MD Pediatrics, KEM and Wadia Hospitals, Mumbai.