I’d like to mentor some serious people personally

Antonio D'Costa
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1 min readNov 12, 2019

I’ve realised it’s unfair to provide mentoring for costs, when there’s multiple people who’re honestly working hard and would be more productive with my guidance.

So, I’ve designed a questionnaire to seek these people out.
Answering the questionnaire doesn’t imply in any way that I’ll mentor you.

It’s just a way for me to know who’s serious and if I consider them worth my time, I shall mentor them personally, just as the same I mentor the paid PowerCoach people.

If you do not get a reply from me, suffice to say I didn’t approve of your application.
If you’d still wish to be mentored, I’d have to put in much more work and time into you, for which there’s the other PowerCoach Programs available.

The Link to the Screening Test is here: CostaPG PowerCoach Screening Test.



Antonio D'Costa

Doctor- MD Pediatrics, KEM and Wadia Hospitals, Mumbai.