Introduction to Time Management

Antonio D'Costa
Published in
1 min readFeb 11, 2019

Time Management differentiates those who complain that they don’t have time to “do it all” and those who don’t.

The truth is, though, that the one’s who don’t complain have the same issue of lack of time; It’s just that they know where to use the limited time available to get the best results for themselves by focusing on the most important things.

Time Management will involve these things:

How to set up a Schedule, and stick to it.

Prioritizing what to study and when to “drop” some things that you can’t do.

These and more shall be elaborated in further articles on this publication.

{This article is a part of the CostaPG publication.}



Antonio D'Costa

Doctor- MD Pediatrics, KEM and Wadia Hospitals, Mumbai.