MCQs and Intuition: What’s the link?

Antonio D'Costa
Published in
2 min readFeb 11, 2019

NEET PG is an exam where 100% of your questions are MCQs, and hence it’s imperative you focus 50–60% of your time on these.

Reading notes won’t get you your desired rank if it’s not paired with solving MCQs sincerely.

Part A:

To begin with, why is solving MCQs Important?


Intuition is something you’ll develop over time as you train your brain to attack each “type” of MCQ.
Intuition is that subconscious 90% of your brain which processes information without your conscious and gives you the “right” answer magically. It works exceptionally fast. And Overtime you should learn how and when to trust it.

This all will make NO sense to you unless you’ve practiced and solved a couple hundreds of MCQs and start to just “know” the answer, without consciously understanding why.

The thing with an MCQ based exam like NEET PG is that you have to be Quick. Practicing MCQs, and being familiar with the approaches to solving them gets you to that quickness, so you have time to consciously think for the more difficult one’s.

Best of all, you’ll be prepared and know ALL previously asked MCQs as they come frequently in Tests and Q-Banks.


How many MCQs should I solve?

Personally I’ve managed to do 400–600 MCQs per subject for a total of 12k MCQs.

Furthermore, I’ve also solved another 4000 MCQs through Subject Wise Tests.


The key to success is REVISION.

Make sure you revise these MCQs atleast TWO times, maybe THREE for previous year questions.

After you solve them, read the explanation of the MCQ and understand the concept.
Concepts are what get repeated, and these are what your Intuition trains on as days progress.

Solve MCQs NOW!

{This article is a part of the CostaPG publication.}



Antonio D'Costa

Doctor- MD Pediatrics, KEM and Wadia Hospitals, Mumbai.