What it takes to get a good rank.

Antonio D'Costa
Published in
2 min readOct 7, 2019

So, I’ve been working on Pure Fire, which is a Platform for patients suffering from Cancer that we’re building, and I wanted to share something with ya’ll.

I’ve been working hard since a week now to get two articles to be released- which as an editor is pretty difficult.
Everything has to be just right before the article gets published.

And you have to work with the writer too. Keeping everything in sync over differing time schedules…

So, yesterday, I was on night duty in the IPCU (Intensive Pediatric Care Unit):

I’d woken up at 6:30 AM that day, and reported to work at 8:30PM (9PM is actually my reporting time).

By 2AM, my work in the IPCU was done-

That’s when a “normal” person would go to “sleep”.

I didn’t.
The IPCU Fellow (that I work with) and I did a brief reading on Diabetic Ketoacidosis in the Doctor’s sideroom.
As soon as that was done, I went back straight into the IPCU- fired up Firefox on the IPCU PC and began editing the long delayed article.

It was done.
By 4:30 AM.

Now I was too plastered to go to the Hostel, so I got the ward boy to pull a stretcher RIGHT into the IPCU, settled it against a passageway wall connecting two sections- damn in the center of the Air Conditioned room, and slept right there on it.


5:30AM or so the IPCU Fellow comes and wakes me up and asks me to go sleep properly.

I go and sleep in the hostel for about an hour, when at 7:15 AM- Tring Tring- Dr. Sujoy (the AIIMS mentor I refer to, and the writer of the article) calls on my progress on the article, so that he can do edits as I’ve directed.

By this time I was already awake, I’d brushed, watched a video by Dan Peña and was on my way back to the IPCU.

After the call I get back to work- 7:25AM.

The Fellow asks why I’ve reported early when he was planning on calling me at 8:30AM……..

I say I’m here.


The point of this article is that it doesn’t matter how bad things are, but how focused and passionate you have to be to get a really good rank.

It doesn’t even matter if you have to sleep on the floor or on a stretcher- heck Bill Gates, Elon Musk have all slept on the floor;

It matters how long you stay positive and keep pushing towards your goals.

These are trying times for you- The Final days before NEET PG.

These are the days you’ll have to push and see what you’re really made of.

Everyone of you has an equal chance of getting rank 1- it depends on how badly you want it.

Keep at it, keep revising, stay focused and believe you….;;

KNOW you Can.


Dr. Antonio D’Costa



Antonio D'Costa

Doctor- MD Pediatrics, KEM and Wadia Hospitals, Mumbai.