Top Stories published by Costs and Priorities in 2017

Social Accounting And Double Entry Bookkeeping

In my last post I stated that:

  • “Accounting is an elaborate form of social storytelling.”
  • “The purpose of accounting is to establish duty.”

Federal Taxes Revisited

In a recent post on taxes, I suggested that an “equal tax”, or what is commonly called a head tax would be better than the income tax, to the extent taxes are an advisable tool to use for managing a financial asset that directs a spectrum of political programs. I was wrong about many…

These were the top 10 stories published by Costs and Priorities in 2017. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2017 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Costs and Priorities
“Supply and Demand” assumes resource relationships(ownership), and social expectations(market exchange), that aren’t always valid or appropriate. “Costs and Priorities” is a generalized, universal framework for understanding social choices and resource limitations.
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