Being a First Year University Student During a Pandemic

I realised my mental health comes first in all situations, and if it means lying in bed to take time for myself, then that’s what needed to happen.

Nailah Farah
5 min readNov 21, 2020


This pandemic has majorly altered the way we all live (in ways I don’t even need to explain). But how are new university students coping with this big and drastic change?

Moving to university is a daunting enough experience in itself. Be it leaving the comfort and familiarity of your home life and family, to packing up and venturing away to live in a city, or maybe into a country where you have very little experience and knowledge.

There’s a lot of conversation about going to university; aunts and uncles tell you it will be the best time of your life and not to waste it. Whilst friends, and potentially other grouchy family members, emphasize on the looming and inevitable conversation that is the nine grand debt per year.

As a current first year student, I am glad to say I have been enjoying my university experience so far, and that I have no regrets in moving away from home to completely new territory.

However, as well as the unending list of good things about coming to university there are an equal amounts…



Nailah Farah

BA English Language // Aspiring journalist wanting to spread awareness on discrimination and oppression