COT Monthly Report — November

Published in
4 min readDec 7, 2019

Blockchain based on the IoT & Blockchain-based intelligent hardware solution platform, COT (Chains Of Things) adhere to the technical service entity as the first goal of project development.

COT will take ‘Big Consumption’ and ‘Big Industry’ as the breakthrough of service entities, and provide innovative solutions of IoT plus blockchain integration technology for industry needs. ‘Big Consumption’ — the ‘food, clothing, housing and transportation’ closely related to people’s lives; ‘Big Industry’ — includes intelligent power, industrial manufacturing, new energy, etc.

“Big Consumption” Fields

On November 2, Dr. Xu ZhaoHong demonstrated the AI image recognition technology and AI diagnosis and treatment technology (tongue diagnosis based on image recognition) of COT for Dongda insurance and other enterprises, and the person in charge of the enterprise also personally experienced it.The cost of data collection in the insurance industry is too high, and there are also technical requirements for data risk control and premium scientific modeling under the premise of protecting user privacy. For the desensitization health data application system based on blockchain technology, there is a rigid demand.

Experience AI diagnosis and treatment

“Big Industry” Fields

This month, Wang Wen and other representatives of the COT team were invited to participate in the “14th five year” scientific research planning meeting of SGCC engineering and construction related systems company, and made in-depth discussion with experts on the application and development planning of Internet of things plus blockchain technology in the ubiquitous power Internet of things.In the summary of the development of power infrastructure during the 13th Five Year Plan period, the three key points that restrict the development of State Grid Power ubiquitous power Internet of things are that the bottom data collection scale of the Internet of things is too small, the data has faults, and the lack of effective data cooperation mechanism. For the “14th five year” development plan, COT team supports the power supplier system to introduce the application of block chain technology in the power data collaboration system, and in the power bottom data collection ubiquitous in the power Internet of things perception layer construction, advance the layout of the integration of block chain, edge computing, AI, big data and other innovative technologies, increase the development and use of related intelligent hardware equipment, so as to comprehensively promote the co-construction, co-governance and sharing of the energy Internet ecosystem.

On November 21, the team representatives went to Qingdao central blood station, Qingda hospital and other places to investigate, and discussed the feasibility and implementation details of building a blood network based on blockchain technology with field staff on issues such as industry pain points and actual needs.

Site visit

Community development & activities

On November 1, members of the COT team were invited to the Shanghai headquarters of HanSheng law firm to share with legal professionals the progress and experience of COT in promoting the integration of blockchain technology in the real industry. It also discussed the role and value of blockchain as a strong trust technology for the real industry. Blockchain enabling legal services will be applied in the legal industry such as improving litigation efficiency, promoting information-based judicial justice and trusted electronic certificates, legal enabling blockchain industry will promote the industry standardization and systematic development of blockchain enterprise business.

On November 2, COT founder Wang Wen participated in a roundtable discussion themed “opportunities and challenges — blockchain incorporated into national development strategy”. With the on-site guests, they exchanged views on the impact of blockchain’s incorporation into the national development strategy on the industry, the challenges and opportunities existing enterprises in the industry will face, etc. Wang Wen said, the state’s emphasis on blockchain technology can speed up the industry’s landing and create convenient conditions, which will provide more development opportunities for projects oriented towards entity applications. The current blockchain projects and practitioners will become “mentors” for new entrants from the industry and play a cornerstone and leading role in the future development of the industry.

On November 13, the cot team was invited to Seoul for a meeting in South Korea. Nan Gongtan, Korea brand specialist of cot & partner of JC capital Korea, gave a live speech, introducing the latest industry promotion progress and globalization development ideas of COT for Korean blockchain enthusiasts and management representatives. Yuan Ning, commercial director of COT team, and representatives of NEO and MBL, as co organizers, also participated in the Korea meeting.

This month, 11 COT community task packages were issued in total to encourage volunteers to support the community in daily affairs.

Chains Of Things




The Chains Of Things (COT) is a general intelligent hardware infrastructure platform based on multi-chain blockchain technology.