I’m little T, the medical robot

Published in
3 min readJul 30, 2019

Hi Guys, I am the medical robot little T. Do you think I’m a little like my neighbor’s big cousin,Dabai? In other words, my eldest cousin is absolutely a superhero. He has no shortcomings except that he can’t come out of the screen.

Image from the network

I am much worse than him, but I am still young, children will always grow up and learn more new skills and knowledge. Sure, I can tell if you’re not feeling too well and what kind of condition you’re in, and what you’d better eat these days.

COT medical robot — little T

Then, look into my eyes… Look into my eyes… I mean the camera in the middle. I am a one-eyed, apparently engineer father did not go to the Academy of Aesthetics before, did not consider other people’s feelings. Show me your tongue.Right! My chip built-in program is summarized by the professor of TCM University after years of learning knowledge and clinical experience. By looking at your tongue, I will know if you have been feeling uncomfortable recently. I changed into a traditional Chinese medicine,isn’t it amazing?

I have an awesome infrared imager. Although the position is Wei and suo, it’s for the convenience of taking a picture of your knee joint. Based on this thermal imaging picture, I can judge your meridian problems. It’s amazing.

With this information, not only can I give you a physical examination report and sub-health conditioning plan, if necessary, I can give doctors a acupuncture massage physiotherapy program, so that they can further adjust your physical condition.

According to engineer fathers, I will be taught to use heart rate meter, hematomanometer and other things. I will also use block chain technology to let me recognize you at first sight (diagnosis and treatment ID based on IoT technology), and can keep our secret (medical privacy protection and data confirmation). If you need, I can introduce you to other robotic partners and doctors. Together, we can provide you with a full range of health services.

Although little T is no match for Dabai, I believe that the engineer fathers will continue to make little T and my friends become more powerful. Sooner or later, we will be more powerful than big cousin.

Chains Of Things




The Chains Of Things (COT) is a general intelligent hardware infrastructure platform based on multi-chain blockchain technology. https://cot.io/index_en.html