As of today, the $COTI-$BNB pair is available and can be traded on PancakeSwap, the largest Binance network decentralized exchange.
COTI BEP20 address:
We have listed a BEP20 version of $COTI, which you can get using the withdraw and deposit function on Binance. The new BEP20 token opens up potential new use cases for COTI and allows further listings on DEXs.
Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is a parallel chain to Binance Chain with the goal of providing a high-throughput blockchain that enables DeFi applications to thrive. COTI was one of the first companies to develop a BEP2 token on top of the Binance Chain and we are excited to develop the new BEP20 version over Binance Smart Chain, one of the fastest growing chains in the ecosystem. We have been following the growth of BSC and PancakeSwap, and have been in conversations with Binance about listing a BEP20 token and the various possibilities that comes with the generation of the token, including reduced gas fees, complete interoperability with Ethereum, Defi apps, wallet support and DEXs.
Swap is already available through Binance’s deposit/withdraw function:
When you swap between chains on Binance, the corresponding asset is pegged and locked on Binance, so the new $COTI BEP20 token does not affect COTI’s total supply.
Please follow the COTI channels for further updates on our plans for the $COTI BEP20 token.
We’d like to thank the Binance Smart Chain team for their support in the process.
For all of our updates and to join the conversation, be sure to check out our channels:
Technical whitepaper: