We are happy to share that you can now convert COTI Native coins into Euros in your COTI bank account and immediately spend them with your COTI debit card.
Don’t have an account or a card? Please click on: coti.simplex.com and you can:
- Open and own a bank account with an IBAN
- Order a COTI VISA debit card
- Convert crypto to fiat and spend it globally with the COTI debit card, online or in-store
- Activate the card, Receive secure PIN, Check balance, view transactions
- Withdraw funds from an ATM, SWIFT, SEPA
- Load the account by selling crypto, swift, SEPA, cards
For additional information on the COTI bank account and debit cards, read here: https://medium.com/cotinetwork/coti-bank-accounts-and-debit-cards-have-arrived-4e6bd7231352
Stay COTI!
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Website: https://coti.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/COTInetwork
Telegram: https://t.me/COTInetwork
Github: https://github.com/coti-io
Discord: https://discord.gg/9tq6CP6XrT
Technical whitepaper: https://coti.io/files/COTI-technical-whitepaper.pdf