COTI Pay VIPER is Now Live and This Calls for a Celebration Week!

Published in
3 min readAug 31, 2020

To celebrate COTI Pay VIPER and all of its great new features we are launching a VIPER Celebration Week full of activities and COTI prizes for our community.

COTI Prizes will be up for grabs for community members who will demonstrate outstanding creativity and knowledge, but most importantly through participation, as each and every one of you is our special guest!

So, what’s the schedule?

Monday, August 31st

COTI Pay has been released — share it with the world!

Retweet and comment on our official tweet about the COTI Pay VIPER release and tag at least 3 friends. 30 randomly selected members who accomplished all 3 tasks will share a prize of 15,000 COTI!

The list of winners will be published on Twitter as a reply to the official post on Monday, September 7th.

Tuesday, September 1st

Smile at the camera and say VIPER!

Make a video on TikTok (or just a short funny video) showing what you love about COTI and COTI Pay VIPER. Publish it on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, wherever you want, hashtag #cotipay + tag 5 friends, and show us where you published it (links, screenshots, etc..).

All participants will share a prize of 10,000 COTI!

Wednesday, September 2nd

Did someone say stickers?

Let’s continue with creativity, it is time for some fun. Prepare an animated sticker pack for COTI on Telegram. You have a week to submit your work in the Telegram group. The winning sticker pack will become an official COTI pack on Telegram and will win its creator a staking spot for the next cycle OR a staking level upgrade.

All participants will get to see their sticker pack used and will get a participation prize of 500 COTI.

*Be creative but respectful. Keep the good taste and remember that official materials cannot be offensive or misplaced. Do not infringe upon the trademark or copyright of others. You may make a non-animated sticker pack, however, the advantage will be given to animated ones.

Thursday, September 3rd

Who wants to be a Cotipayllionaire?

Our most loved trivia contest is back for a special edition.

How can we host a COTI event without Trivia Time?

Let’s all meet on September 3rd at 13:00 UTC for a “Who wants to be a Cotillionaire?”!


1st place: 5000 COTI

2nd place: 2000 COTI

3rd place 1000 COTI

All the others: share a pool of 2000 COTI

Stay COTI!

For all of our updates and to join the conversation, be sure to check out our channels:






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