COTI recently hosted Cardano in the startup nation of Israel

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4 min readDec 18, 2018


Cardano, leaders in blockchain and cryptocurrency, were recently hosted by COTI in an action-packed event looking at ways to unlock the future of blockchain and tech

COTI, in collaboration with MarketAcross, were pleased to welcome Cardano’s Daniel Friedman (business development), Edsko de Vries (consultant and head of research) and Jeff Pollak (CFO) to the high tech hub of Tel Aviv. The event, Cardano Meets the Startup Nation, featured an engaging discussion about blockchain, tech updates, and Cardano news. COTI was more than happy to host the Cardano team and to introduce them to leading Israeli companies in the tech sphere.

“It was truly a pleasure to finally be a part of this great event. Our friends at COTI are truly amazing hosts and really went above and beyond to make this event and our time in Israel truly memorable. Seeing all of this positive energy, striving for innovation and success really made me see why Israel is the start-up nation,” said Friedman.

Get all the scoop from the event in our summary below.

Doing regular business is something we take for granted, but is an opportunity that a lot of people in developing nations simply don’t have access to, explained Daniel Friedman, Cardano’s head of business development. Africa has many developing countries with a three billion unbanked population and counting. The continent is still building up infrastructure and financial systems, although efforts have not been robust enough to bring about stability to the region.

“We’re looking to develop an infrastructure for true decentralization and system disruption — the disruption of old ways and bringing more financial equality in the way that more people will be given the opportunity to better themselves through this technology. This is really the essence of the whole movement,” commented Friedman.

Serving the unbanked population around the world is just one of Cardano’s primary drivers for establishing their decentralized blockchain project. They also want to enable transparency from start to finish for companies to conduct business on the blockchain. They’re already working with coffee growers in Ethiopia to make the entire supply chain transparent for all parties involved and have launched a number of TestNets with more to come in the near future.

Third generation blockchain implementations are in store for Cardano in Q1 2019, as well as introducing decentralization, smart contracts and new languages like Plutus and Marlow.

“What matters over the long term is the mass adoption of blockchain. We’re passionate about giving people the opportunity to be able to conduct business and not to worry about their money getting stolen or lost because of the system,” said Friedman.

Cardano’s global collective of expert engineers and researchers are laying down the foundation for blockchain security on account of their highly secure Haskell coding language; in addition to their smart contract platform, which delivers more advanced features than any protocol previously developed. Further supporting their efforts, the Cardano Foundation aims to influence and progress the emerging commercial and legislative landscape for blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. Its strategy lies in proactively approaching government and regulatory bodies and to form strategic partnerships with businesses, enterprises and other open-source projects.

There’s a lot in store for Cardano’s future and COTI was more than pleased to host their visit to the startup hub. For more information, be sure to visit Cardano and the Cardano Foundation.

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