COTI will Launch an NFT Game With Insane COTI Prizes of Over 2,000,000 $COTI!

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6 min readJun 2, 2021


What: COTI NFT Game! A chance to collect unique NFTs, and to win up to 2,000,000 $COTI.

Who: Every holder of at least 1,000 $COTI in his VIPER wallet
The more $COTI you have, the greater your chances of winning

How: Claim your raffle ticket via your VIPER wallet, and trade on various NFT marketplaces.

When: The COTI NFT game will start on June 10th and will be played for 4 seasons: Spring, Summer, Winter, and Fall — each season consists of 4weeks.
We will have weekly, seasonal and grand-final raffles. The first raffle will be held on June 17th.

In Details:

As our platform and community continue to grow and develop, we wanted to make a special event for you — COTI’s first NFT game.

Users holding at least 1,000 Native $COTI in their COTI Pay VIPER wallet will be able to claim a Game-Card and participate in the COTI NFT game. Those who will collect unique NFTs will be able to win amazing COTI prizes totaling over 2,000,000 $COTI!

The NFTs:

Every week, a total of 205 NFTs will be distributed between all $COTI native holders who claimed their Game-Cards in their VIPER wallet and won the weekly raffle. You may check if you won an NFT at the game’s website.

  • Common — 15 NFTs

Inspired by the Chinese Da Shuhua Festival. This artistic work illustrates a peaceful scene of a fisherman on a boat at sunrise, while the sun shines over a pagoda. The winner of the Common NFT weekly raffle will also get 1,000 COTI, transferred directly into his VIPER wallet. We are distributing a total of 240 Common NFTs, 15 every week.

VIPER collection:

  • 100 Rare NFTs
  • 50 Unique NFTs
  • 20 Epic NFTs

Inspired by the Chinese Da Shuhua Festival and the power of nature, this artistic work depicts a majestic viper and a fierce warrior. This powerful scene symbolizes immortality, fortune and prosperity — much like COTI Pay Wallet, therefore named VIPER. The Viper NFT series includes 3 special NFTs — Rare, Unique, and Epic. Holding the 3 NFTs will give you an entry to the seasonal raffle along with a chance to win 52,000 COTI. We are distributing a total of 2,720 VIPER NFTs: 100 Rare, 50 Unique, 20 Epic, every week.

  • Legendary: 20 NFTs

Inspired by Asian culture, this artistic work portrays a small boat sailing in harmony under a bridge, symbolizing the transition from old to new, towards a bright future of peace and harmony — making it the perfect Legendary NFT. Owning 2 different seasonal Legendary NFTs will grant you an entry ticket to the grand finale raffle, winning 100,000 COTI. Owning 3 different seasonal Legendary NFTs will give you an entry ticket to the grand final raffle, winning 250,000 COTI. Owning 4 of the seasonal Legendary NFTs will give you an entry ticket to the grand final raffle, winning 1,000,000 COTI. We are distributing a total of 320 Legendary NFTs, 20 every week.

Raffles and Prizes:

Weekly Raffle:

15 winners will collect the Common NFTs and win a 1,000 $COTI prize each, sent directly to their COTI Pay VIPER wallet.

Midseason Raffle:

A bi-weekly raffle for two prizes of 5,000 $COTI each. In order to participate, you will have to hold 1 Common NFTs and 2 VIPER (Rare/Epic/Unique), of any season.

The raffle will be held after the first two weeks and at the end of each season.

Seasonal Raffle

A seasonal raffle for two prizes of 52,000 $COTI each:

The monthly raffle will be held between users who have collected all 3 Viper NFTs for the season (1 Rare+ 1 Unique + 1 Epic).

Each winner will win 52,000 $COTI, spread into weekly settlements of 1,000 $COTI for a full year! The prize will be sent directly to their COTI Pay VIPER wallet.

Grand Finale Raffle

The Grand Finale raffle will be held at the end of the last season in a mega event for a total of 1,350,000 $COTI as follow:

  • 1st prize: 1,000,000 $COTI — raffle between all holders of 4/4 Legendary NFTs (one legendary NFTs of each season).
  • 2nd prize: 250,000 $COTI — raffle between all holders of 3/4 Legendary NFTs (one legendary NFTs of each season).
  • 3rd prize: 100,000 $COTI — raffle between all holders of 2/4 Legendary NFTs (one legendary NFTs of each season).


  • Claim period starts every Thursday at 1 pm UTC. The first claiming period will start on June 10th.
  • Claim period ends every Monday at 7 am UTC.
  • A snapshot** will be performed during the week, at a random time, of all COTI addresses participating in the game.
  • The Raffle event will take place weekly each Thursday, followed by an announcement of the winners.
  • You may check if you won an NFT at the game’s website by typing in your VIPER wallet address. If you wish to be notified via email, fill in your email address during the claiming process.
  • On the same day, at 1 pm UTC, the new Claim period will start and so on for 16 weeks.

** The snapshot is when COTI runs a scan of all the COTI VIPER wallet and staking addresses to see how many COTI coins are in the wallet at the time of the snapshot for users who pressed “Claim”.

How to make a claim:

  1. Log into your COTI Pay VIPER wallet
  2. Go to “NFT” -> “Claim”
  3. Provide one COTI MainNet wallet address to participate that contains a minimum of 1,000 $COTI
  4. Provide an Ethereum address where the NFTs will be sent to
  5. Click the “Claim” button

You can insert your email address if you’d like us to inform you about the winning.

Note that if you are staking, we will count your staked $COTI as eligible for the game.

COTI NFT Game — Rules

  • In order to take part in the game, you need to hold a minimum of 1,000 $COTI in your VIPER wallet (Staked coins are counted as long as you provide the COTI wallet address attached to this staking).
  • 1,000 $COTI gives entry to participate, the more COTI you have the more chances you have to win when the number of Game-Cards you collect is based on this formula:
  • A Game-Card is a single position for the game. You may have more than 1 Game-Card.
  • You have to click a “CLAIM NFT” button in your VIPER wallet every week to be eligible to participate.
  • You can only play the game with 1 COTI address. If you have $COTI coins in more than one address in your wallet, you can unify and transfer funds to one address, in order to have more Game-Cards.
  • You are allowed to trade, sell and buy NFTs on the different Marketplaces.
  • Each participant may win more than one prize per week.
  • COTI prizes are payable in Native $COTI, sent to the COTI address from which the user made his original claim
  • NFTs are sent to the ETH address, determined by the user in the claim process.
  • In order to be eligible to win prizes make sure that all of your NFTs are deposited in the ETH address provided during the claim process. We will scan ETH addresses provided during raffles.

Stay COTI!

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