January’s staking rewards have been successfully distributed and were higher than expected for COTI’s stakers!

Published in
2 min readFeb 4, 2020

We would like to share with our community that January’s staking rewards have been successfully distributed and were higher than expected for COTI’s stakers!

COTI will soon be added to a platform that reviews and updates about rewards, exposing COTI to a wider audience, and allowing our community easy access to information.

After launching the first Decentralized MainNet Node operated by a community member (Rufys’ Node) at the end of December, January was marked by the release of the first Community Delegated Node to run on MainNet, operated by Winston Wolf (Wolf Node).

The community node is operated by a community leader (Winston Wolfe) and staked by both the leader (100K COTI) and the community members (5K/10K COTI). Community nodes run with 500K COTI staked, to begin with, and with a guaranteed return of at least 30% per annum, paid monthly (the highest of either fees generated by the node or 30% per year).

We are happy to see that it was a lucrative month for COTI’s stakers and node operators, as they reached around 50% annual run rate collected from fees!

Nodes stakers have received their staking rewards on February 1st.
Stakers in the Community Node received approximately 200–400 COTI each, depending on the amount staked, and our Advanced Full Node staker received approximately 10,500 COTI.

The first staking month paid off and we expect it to grow even more as the network grows.

We have created a solid foundation for our transactions as they stand for payments, a real use case. If you’re not a staker yet and you want to join in, you can still register to the waiting list of one of the following community nodes:

*We remind you that as we want to give a fair chance to everyone to participate, at the moment we allow each user to stake in only one community node until further notice.

For more details on the stakes and guaranties please refer to Nodes and staking article and the Annually Staking Rewards document, which demonstrates all possible staking scenarios.

For all of our updates and to join the conversation, be sure to check out our channels:

Website: https://coti.io

Telegram: https://t.me/COTInetwork

Twitter: https://twitter.com/COTInetwork

Github: https://github.com/coti-io

Discord: https://discord.me/coti



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COTI is the fastest and lightest confidentiality layer on Ethereum.