Meet BetterNode — The New COTI Community Node

Published in
2 min readNov 5, 2020

Today we are pleased to introduce the BetterNode, the 9th Community node added to the MainNet, and the 16th node in total.

BetterNode will go live on November 6th 2020, to support COTI’s growing processing volume, opening up more positions for community stakers.

We are happy to share that this node will be operated by a very active and trustworthy TestNet operator who has been with COTI for some time and is actively engaged with his TestNet node and improving the TestNet environment along with COTI’s dev team.

In the COTI community, he is known as Le Chiffre Rambo (@lechiffrerambo). Please join us in congratulating him on being our newest node operator.

We remind you that node operators are selected not only on a first-come-first-served basis but also due to their noticeable contribution to the network and the community.

In this sense, we are happy to count LeChiffreRambo among our leading contributors.

Here is what LeChiffreRambo had to say:

I am truly blessed for having this opportunity and the trust to run the next COTI community MainNet node.

The reason I chose to run a COTI TestNet node in the first place was the tech and the drive-in team COTI.

The great community behind COTI reflects the professionalism and skills that team COTI possesses.

This year for COTI has been an absolute blast. Really looking forward to the upcoming year and the years after that.

COTI never sleeps!

Stay safe and most importantly, stay COTI!

By adding this node into the MainNet, COTI has reached a total MainNet staking volume of 70M COTI!

The demand for participation in Staking 2.0 continues to be very high and we receive application requests at a very high pace. Adding new nodes enables more staking spots, and we will continue adding nodes gradually.

Stake COTI, stay COTI!

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COTI is the fastest and lightest confidentiality layer on Ethereum.