Meet Shani Patael, COTI’s UI/UX expert

This week, we’re continuing to introduce the COTI community to our UI/UX team. We recently had the opportunity to speak with Shani Patael, our front end developer and UI/UX specialist.

4 min readJan 20, 2019


Meet Shani Patael COTI’s UI/UX expert

Prior to COTI, Shani worked as a front end developer for a startup specializing in creating products geared towards small businesses. COTI was a departure from her past experience, as she described, because at COTI she is involved in building an entire system from scratch.

“I want to make sure that the user experience is as friendly as possible, as well as being enjoyable and accurate. In order to make that happen, I focus on creating precise, readable and clear code so that it translates spotlessly on all devices, browsers and applications,” explained Patael.

She is currently working alongside Yaniv Dadon, another one of COTI’s UI/UX experts, and maintains all aspects of front-end development from start to finish. She is the first female team member to join the COTI R&D team, which as she explains, is a welcome refresher compared to other companies that do not have any females represented in the tech department. The gender situation in hitech is far from being equal, although the number of women in the industry is slowly inching up every year.

Meet Shani Patael COTI’s UI/UX expert

Nevertheless, it’s still a field largely dominated by males and the number of women working in hitech is far lower than what it should be.

“Culturally, we need to raise awareness and encourage women to join tech in order to understand how much they stand to contribute to the sector,” said Patael. “It all starts with family, friends and our social community viewing the significance of woman as developers. Technology companies should also be more open to the opportunity of employing women in tech. It will only bring added value, sometimes more than they could initially perceive,” added Patael.

In building a system from the ground up, Shani explains that at the start she needed to tackle a number of high scale tasks with tight deadlines, which made multitasking and prioritization all the more important.

Meet Shani Patael COTI’s UI/UX expert

“This phase is super fast and you learn new skills all the time. Working in a startup environment, you know that you’ll be met with a new challenge every day, but it’s an ongoing adventure and you grow quickly,” said Patael.

Shani is currently working on projects geared for the upcoming main net launch.

“I’m excited to be involved in a company at such an early stage. I trust that our final product will be precise, efficient and will bring about the best experience for all our future clients. We’re making progress every week and it’s satisfying to be a part of COTI’s evolution.”

Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us, Shani!

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