Meet The COTI Team, Featuring: Nir Damari

Published in
2 min readJul 7, 2022

As the COTI team continues to grow at a rapid pace, we wanted to introduce our team, new and old, for you to get to know them better. This week, we are happy to introduce Nir Damari, our QA Specialist. By doing quality assurance, Nir helps improve work processes and efficiency that help manufacture reliable products and increase COTI’s customer confidence. We asked Nir five questions to get to know him better, check it out:

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got into Crypto?

I studied QA manual and automation, and I worked in a company in the traditional financial industry. I knew very little about crypto, and what I did know mostly originated from the mainstream media. When I started looking more into it, I was so intrigued by the technology behind it, that I started to learn everything I could about it. After months of research on Blockchain and crypto, I came to understand that it was going to definitely change the world in almost every aspect, especially technologically and financially, and I knew that I wanted to be part of it.

What attracted you to COTI?

When I first learned about COTI, it focused on providing payment solutions for companies that don’t necessarily have expertise in the cryptocurrency market, and I thought that’s very interesting. Since then, COTI has become a financial ecosystem, offering a wide range of financial technologies and use cases for enterprises. The offering includes an A to Z solution with a white labeled infrastructure which will help, in my opinion, reach mass adoption. I really like that because I think it’s about time that the world advances from physical currency to digital currency.

What do you hope to improve from within COTI’s QA department?

As the team grows, I plan on creating more guidelines for a more effective workflow that will help new team members incorporate fast in a work day full of tasks. I also plan to keep improving COTI’s products quality and ease of access, by hunting those slippery bugs and providing feedback on our products’ user experience.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself.

I’m an enthusiastic gamer, a Discord expert, and in a previous lifetime I was an Electrician.

Can you describe yourself in 3 emojis?


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