Tech roundup from the COTI Research and Development team

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4 min readJul 9, 2019

Over the last week, we completed ongoing research and development on all fronts of the COTI roadmap, and progress is rapidly translating into real results.

  • We released COTI’s Cross Chain Bridge for ERC-20 tokens, which marks a significant milestone and marks a major step toward fulfilling the vision of a completely interconnected internet of value. COTI’s Cross Chain Bridge allows for seamless integration with almost any blockchain in existence with the added value of supporting native ledger features, such as scalability, staking, governance and more. The platform is now fully connected to the Ethereum blockchain and has the capabilities and development plans necessary to scale.
  • The development team is working full force to expand the bridge capabilities and allow seamless swaps between networks and infrastructures, while empowering any network to easily integrate with COTI and vice versa.
  • We introduced COTI’s universal cross-chain payment solution, which will be implemented in a way that provides the flexibility of supporting the core level and ledger layer of today’s most popular and promising infrastructures, such as Ethereum, Binance, Cardano, EOS, Bitcoin, NEO etc. In the COTI ecosystem, the core application layer supports more than one infrastructure through a dedicated bridge that can be embedded as an off-the-shelf solution independent of COTI’s core infrastructure and solutions.
  • We are continuing work on our node operator deployment process and are working on adding a staking mechanism that can be used to operate any node in the COTI network.
  • Work on our History Nodes and Clusterstamp has been ongoing, and we are finalizing the specification and the framework for implementing it in our next MainNet release.
  • Our research team has finalized the multiDAG specification and defined how it is going to be supported in the infrastructure. At a later stage, we will be working on integrating the multiDAG with COTI-X to allow for the seamless deployment of new tokens on the network. We will also be adding support for external events retrieved from COTI-X and propagated to the network and proper clusters.
  • COTI strives to expand its range of services with a crypto processing solution for merchants. We are currently working on a COTI crypto payment processing solution for merchants that will allow anyone to receive crypto payments on their website without a need to manage and support crypto transactions on their own. They will also not be subjected to volatility risks, as COTI will allow instant settlements through merchant stable coins and any other currencies.

The solution will encompass a ‘pay with crypto’ button that can easily be integrated into a merchant’s payment page while providing access to a merchant’s web CRM for payment management. The R&D team has defined full platform specifications and has begun working on the first version of the solution.



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COTI is the fastest and lightest confidentiality layer on Ethereum.