Technology updates from the COTI Research and Developers team

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4 min readMay 10, 2018

May 10, 2018

COTI Research and Developers team

Over the last week, we completed vigorous ongoing R&D on all fronts of the COTI roadmap, and progress is rapidly translating into real results.

  • We continued working on the User Types and Trust Score Update Algorithms (TSUAs). We have finalized all ITSA definitions and moved forward with our TSUAs centrality metric. Current progress consists of defining positive transaction types, as well as minor and major transaction wrongdoings (consumers and mediators). Minor transaction wrongdoings, however, still need to be defined. These classifications will be dependent on user types.
  • We have released an internal first draft of the TrustScore API, which will handle communication between the TrustScore Server, Full Nodes, and wallets. The first release of our ITSA frontend interface is also now internally available.
  • Development on the first release of our TrustScore nodes is currently running in full mode, and major updates will be released in the upcoming weeks.
  • We have released the first draft of the COTI Mediation System specifications. The first layer of the Mediation System defines the disputes process, the attestation required from both merchants and consumers and the initial algorithm for selecting the jury participants based on the [sum, history, attestation, TS] matrix.
  • We are continuing intensive work on our first merchant integration solution. The solution consists of our first frontend web application, the COTI wallet, as well as a backend COTI layer, which will serve both the wallet application and third party API calls from merchant backend servers.

Our research and development team is continuing work towards finalizing the first draft of the COTI base protocol. There has been a lot of progress on the AlphaNet development, including:

1. Full Node Privacy Protection — We have defined users’ privacy protection flow and protocol (consumer/merchant).

2. We are working on the POC for distributing history node data storage. The idea is that full history will not be stored on a single node. Each node will only have a partial view of the transactions, which will make the retrieval process more sophisticated and require more work to get it.

3. Node verification — We have defined a module embedded in our TS nodes and wallets to protect consumers and merchants from bad node behavior within the system and to define the architecture for maintaining it.

4. We defined the Penny Attack/Spam protection module. We believe this scenario is mostly solved by our low TS + PoW attachment algorithm, but we have also defined a new module for enforcing system safeguards.

5. We are researching and working on simulations for real time performance evaluations concerning flooding the Trust Score and Synchronization protocol. The research revolves around the concept of finding an efficient way for broadcasting new transactions and having a flexible scheme where adjacent nodes could potentially apply even more sophisticated selectors to transaction transmission.

We are excited to announce that our community pre-sale will begin May 21st and continue for three consecutive days. The full details will be out in our newsletter and in the COTI Telegram group. Be sure to spread the word to your circles. More updates coming soon, so stay tuned!

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COTI is the fastest and lightest confidentiality layer on Ethereum.