How to Prepare For a Japanese Job Interview?

Hoàng Ngọc
Coto Academy
Published in
5 min readAug 8, 2018

If you’ve been dreaming of working in Japan, and you’ve finally received a job interview proposition, now it the time to learn how to prepare for a Japanese job interview.

The first step of your preparation is no more different than what you would do in your homeland: studying the company profile and philosophy will help you make sure that you are up to date with the company’s latest news.

The next step is to train yourself and practice for your interview. That means to check what questions could be asked and what your answers might be! If you know that your interview will be in Japanese, it is extremely important to be comfortable with the vocabulary that could come up. If the interview is planned to be in English, you still must be prepared for interviewer to decide to check your Japanese level.

Keep in mind that we only give you some basic examples! You can be more elaborate and polite, but we advise you to keep it simple if your level of Japanese is limited. Do not let your level of Japanese stop you from applying! You do not need Japanese fluency to apply for a position. Do your best by preparing a self-introduction with the vocabulary you know and rock your Japanese job interview!

Step 1: Self-introduction

You will most likely be asked to present yourself, as it is customary in Japan. Train your listening ability in order to understand what is the person asking.

自己紹介じこしょうかいをお願ねが/rt>いします。(Please present yourself.)

Practice your self-introduction. It includes telling where you are from, your name and some other information about you that could be relevant. For example, a previous working experience in Japan.

「スペインのオレンジで有名ゆうめいなバレンシア出身しゅっしんのアントニオ・ガルシアです。日本にほんに来くるのは 3回目かいめで前回ぜんかいは大阪おおさかのレストランで働はたらいていました。」

“I am Antonio Garcia and I am from a city famous for its orange in Spain, Valencia. It’s the third time I come to Japan and last time I worked in a restaurant in Osaka.”

Step 2: Frequent Questions & Answers

Depending on the job you have applied for, the range of questions will vary. An effective way to prepare is searching on the internet for what kind of questions could be asked by this specific company. When you prepare the answer, be short and precise. Japanese people like straightforward answers and it will be easier for you not to make a Japanese language mistake.

For example:

いつ日本にほんに来きましたか? (When did you come to Japan?)

A very good and straight to the point answer would be “2014年ねん3月がつに来きました”. I arrived in Japan in March 2014.

The type of answer you should avoid: “前まえの会社かいしゃでプロジェクトマネージャーをしていて、日本にほんのお客きゃくさんと一緒いっしょに仕事しごとをしました。そのとき日本にほんにいる同僚どうりょうが忙いそがしくなったため、私わたしが日本にほんに来くることになりました”. “I was a project manager in my previous company. I was working with Japanese clients. At that time, because my colleague based in Japan was very busy, I was sent to Japan.”

As previously stated, questions might vary depending on the type of interview. Nonetheless, we believe the following ones will most likely come up:

うちの会社かいしゃについて何なにを知しっていますか。(What do you know about our company?)

The company will be curious to know why you have applied and we advise you to think deeply about your reasons. Of course, we know that applicants might have applied to several places especially when their goal is to find work in Japan.

どうしてうちの会社かいしゃに応募おうぼしましたか。(Why did you apply to our company?)

As you are a foreigner, your Japanese level could be one of their concerns. So be sure not to skip this preparation! If you have prepared the JLPT, state your results and precise how often you study!

日本語にほんごはどのぐらい話はなせますか。(How well can you speak Japanese?)

  • 2015年ねん12月げつにN2に合格ごうかくしました: (I passed the JLPT N2 in December 2015.)
  • 3ヶ月かげつ日本語学校にほんごがっこうで週しゅうに5日にち3時間じかんを勉強べんきょうしました。(I studied 3 hours 5 days a week for 3 months in a Japanese school.)

The interview will also focus on your specifics reasons as to why you wish to work in Japan. Be sincere and positive about what you like! Do not hesitate to emphasize that you like Japan! Cities, culture etc. and why. Of course, they will want to know your past experiences and achievements, strengths and weaknesses.

どうして日本にほんで働はたらきたいですか。 (Why do you want to work in Japan?)

今いままでどんな仕事しごとしましたか (What kind of work have you done until now?)

長所ちょうしょ・短所たんしょは何なんですか。 (Could you tell us about your strengths and weaknesses?)

Finally, the interviewer could ask personal questions such as what you enjoy doing as a hobby. The range of personal questions could be wide, so you should prepare your answers to questions like this as well! The working place is not only about work: it is a community where it is important for everyone to share.

趣味しゅみは何なんですか (What is your hobby?)

You did great. The interview is almost over. Now, it is your turn to ask questions. Asking questions is very important and will give a good impression. It shows that you are interested and that you have thought about the position. You would be advised to ask for example, about your team, tasks you would be given. You can also inquire about working hours and business trips, for example.

質問しつもんがありますか。(Do you have any questions you want to ask us?)

Step 3: Review Your Manners!

Have you heard that your outfit and attitude at an interview matter almost as much as answers and qualifications? Before the interview, you should make certain to check your expected “outfit”. Your appearance is very important and unless you have received specific orders, always aim for the conservative business attire. Now, let’s take a look at the Japanese etiquette specific to Japan.

  • Be punctual: actually, it would be better to arrive 10 to 15 prior your interview. If you have an emergency, immediately contact the company in order to inform them of your delay / cancellation.
  • When you arrive, you should take off your coat at the entrance hall.
  • You should knock on the door — usually 3 times and say 失礼しつれいします (excuse me) and wait for the interviewer to say どうぞ (please enter). The tricky point to remember, is to enter the room, close the door and face the interviewer(s) and repeat again 失礼しつれいします. You should know by now that bowing is also mandatory.
  • Most often, you will see a chair designated for you. Before sitting, you should introduce yourself and give your greetings:”Nice to meet you. Thank you very much for today. My name is … Thank you for your time“.
    “はじめまして。 本日ほんじつはありがとうございます。… と申もうします。どうぞよろしくお願ねがいします”.
  • You will bow a second time and wait to be invited to sit down with どうぞ座すわってください.
    Sit shallowly in your chair with your back straight up
    Talk in a confident and clear voice
    Be sure to answer all questions clearly and effectively
    Talk only after your interviewer has finished speaking
    Do not talk too much about unquestioned topics.

Step 4: What You Should Avoid Doing!

During an interview, your attitude and behavior are very important. The do’s and don’ts of a Japanese interview might not be very different than what you have experienced in your culture. Nonetheless, check our list! Be sure to avoid:

  • Fidgeting
  • Sitting cross-legged
  • Folding your arms, hands in pockets
  • Rest your chin on your hand(s)
  • Talking in a quiet voice

Take the time to prepare yourself for your Japanese job interview and everything will go well. One more important point! Sleep well the night before your interview and plan your way to the interview location in order to avoid any surprises! Believe in yourself and do your best. 頑張ってください!

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