Add “Name” and other fields to your Waitlist Google Sheet

Michelle Marcelline
Published in
6 min readDec 10, 2020

Add additional fields to your waitlist sheet and grant access to your Webflow site waitlist on a rolling basis


Before we begin, make sure you have done the following:

How it works

We’ll have 3 pages in this tutorial: A Waitlist Page (/waitlist), a Login Page (/), and a Protected Page (/protected).

Users can sign up to the waitlist by entering their email on the Waitlist Page. You can manage people on the waitlist in your Google Sheets. Only people who are marked as Allowed: TRUE on the waitlist can login to your website using the Login Page and access the Protected Page.

In this tutorial, we’ll make the Waitlist Page, and then update the Login and Protected Page that you have made in the prerequisite tutorial.

Inserting Waitlist Emails to Google Sheets

Make a Waitlist Page

Step 1: Set up Google Sheets

Go to to connect your Google Sheets that contains a list of emails and follow the instructions there. See an example Google Sheet here. (You can make this sheet private — you just need to connect your Google Account in the website above).

Step 2: Make elements to show the waitlist email form and a success message

  • Include a section element to load Cotter’s login form. We need to set that section id “cotter-form-container”. Make the section width and height to 300px for best results.
  • Include a text element with id “waitlist-message”. We will show if the email is successfully added to the waitlist here.

Step 3: Add Cotter JS SDK

After finishing the page setup we can start with adding custom code to the Waitlist Page. Copy paste the code below to the custom code tab on the Waitlist Page settings.

Waitlist Page Settings
Scroll Down to “Custom Code” section

Add the code below to the head of Waitlist page:

<!--Get Cotter JS SDK-->

Step 4: Use Zapier Webhook and add a function to insert email to your Google Sheets

Make sure you have already done Step 1 by going to and connecting your Google Sheets that contains the waitlist (this can be empty, but make sure you follow the format specified).

Zapier Webhook Zap

  1. Under “When this happens …” choose “Webhooks by Zapier” and choose the trigger “Catch Hook”.

Copy the custom webhook URL. We’re going to send the response from Cotter to this URL.

Add the code below to the body of Waitlist page:

Make sure that you have pasted your Zapier Webhook URL on the code block above.

Step 5: Add the code below to show the email form (“Join Waitlist” form) with Additional “Name” Field

Below the code on step 4, add this code:

Make sure that you have pasted your API Key ID on the code block above.

You can grab a Cotter API Key ID by visiting and creating an account. Once you have created an account, make sure to create a new project and grab the API Key ID.

Step 6: Test your Zapier Webhook

Try this Codesandbox with the code above, replace the ZAPIER_WEBHOOK_URL with the webhook URL you get from step 4.

After adding the code above, try logging in while filling in all the additional fields. Once successful, press “Test Trigger” in Zapier.

You should see something like this:

You’ll get the user’s email and the additional fields data.

Step 7: Send the data to your waitlist Google Sheets

To send the data to Google sheets, add a Google sheets zap on the next step of your Zapier

  1. Under “Do this …”, choose Google Sheets.
  2. Choose action: “Create Spreadsheet Row”.

We want to look at existing rows to find the user and only add a new row if the user does not exist (new user).

2. Choose your account and spreadsheet

Create a Google Sheets with these headers. Then, choose that spreadsheet in the Zap. See an example Google Sheet here.

Make sure that Column A is for the Email, and Column B is for allowed = TRUE or FALSE. You can add the Name column on Column C. Make sure the sheet name is Emails.

3. Fill out the fields with the data from the Cotter’s login form

Set “FALSE” as the Allowed value if you want to use this as a waitlist.

5. Press “Continue” > “Test and Review”

You should see something like this:

You should also see the row added to your Google Sheets:

Login Page and Protected Page

Login Page Setup (where the login form will show up)

You should already have a Login Page after following the prerequisite tutorial above. Only users who are allowed in your Google Sheets can login. We are going to modify and add some of the necessary code.

Step 1. Add the code below to the body of the Login Page

Add this code before you Initialize Cotter

Make sure that you have pasted your Spreadsheet ID and your API Key ID on the code block above.

⚠️ Use the same Spreadsheet ID as the one you used in your Zapier integration.

Step 2. Change the code in the body of the Login Page to the code below

Make sure you deleted the line “.signInWithLink()” and added the line “.signInWithLink(checkEmail)”.

Also, make sure that you have pasted your API Key ID on the code block above.

Protected Page Setup (and any other page you want to protect)

You should already have a Protected Page after following the prerequisite tutorial above. We are going to modify and add some of the necessary code.

Change the code on the header to the code below

Make sure you delete all lines with the “-” symbol and added all lines with the “+” symbol. (Do not include the + sign itself).

Also, make sure that you have pasted your Spreadsheet ID and your API Key ID on the code block above.

Questions & Feedback

Come and talk to the founders of Cotter and other developers who are using Cotter on Cotter’s Slack Channel.

Ready to use Cotter?

If you enjoyed this tutorial and want to integrate Cotter into your website or app, you can create a free account and check out our documentation.

If you need help, ping us on our Slack channel or email us at



Michelle Marcelline
Editor for

Sharing my journey, learnings, successes, and failures building (Notion-like NoCode website builder)