Get Notified in Slack for Every New Sign Up to Your Website

Michelle Marcelline
Published in
3 min readOct 22, 2020

Knowing who signs up to your site is just one Slack notification away — no need to check your user database regularly!

What we’re building

Do you currently check your database regularly to figure out who just signed up to your website? Whether it is to engage with your new users or maybe you just want to know how many new signups you gained this week.

This tutorial will help you save your time. For every new sign ups to your website, you will get notified via Slack instantly. This way, you do not have to manually check your database to see your list of new users.

When you integrated Cotter to your site and a user logs in using Cotter Login Form, Cotter will immediately create a new user for you. This user is stored in Cotter’s database and can be accessed through our Zapier integration. Using Zapier, you can send user data to Slack. The user data that are available are defined in the documentation for User object.


  1. Add Cotter Zap using this invite link:
  2. Click “Make a Zap”.

Cotter Zap

  1. Under “When this happens …” choose “Cotter” and let the trigger be “New User”.
  2. Enter your API Keys as instructed. You can get your Cotter API Keys from Cotter’s Dashboard.
  3. Find Data to see a test data.
  4. If this is a new project and you do not have a user yet, you’ll see “We couldn’t find an user”. Create a new user in your Cotter (1.0.0) Zapier — account and test your trigger again.
  5. Try logging-in into your website’s “Cotter Login Form” located on your login page. Use an email address that you have access to. Once the login is successful, Cotter will automatically create a new user.
  6. Test the integration again.

Slack Zap

  1. Under “Do this …”, choose Slack.
  2. Choose action: “Send Channel Message”.
  3. Login to your Slack account. Choose the Slack channel in which you want to get notified for new users and customize the Slack message.


4. Click “Continue” and then “Test & Review”. You should get a new Slack notification.

5. If it succeeded, you can turn on the Zap and it will insert new users to your Table. (Zapier will check for new users every 2 minutes, please be patient when testing or click Run to fetch the data).

That’s it!

You can now get notified in Slack for every new signups, without any code!

Questions & Feedback

Come and talk to the founders of Cotter and other developers who are using Cotter on Cotter’s Slack Channel.

Ready to use Cotter?

If you enjoyed this tutorial and want to integrate Cotter into your website or app, you can create a free account and check out our documentation.

If you need help, ping us on our Slack channel or email us at



Michelle Marcelline
Editor for

Sharing my journey, learnings, successes, and failures building (Notion-like NoCode website builder)