How to Integrate Cotter Magic Link to Webflow in less 15 minutes

Kevin Chandra
Published in
4 min readJul 13, 2020

In this tutorial, we’re going to guide you on how to authenticate your users using magic links on Webflow.

If you need any help following this tutorial, head to our Slack Channel! We’re here to help.

Part 1: Cotter Setup

Go to to create an account. Once you have created an account make sure to create a new project and grab the API Key ID. We will be using your API Key ID later in part 2.

Part 2: Webflow Setup

For this tutorial we have created 2 pages: Login Page (/) and Protected Page (/protected). The login page will display the embedded Cotter login form for your users to type in their email while the protected page will display protected content that only a logged in user can view.

Login Page Setup (where the login form will show up)

Step 1: Add a section to load the Login Form

On the login page, we need to:

  • Include a section element to load Cotter’s login form.
  • Set that section ID to “cotter-form-container”.
  • Make the section width and height to 300px for best results.

This enables Cotter’s JS SDK to load the login form to the section element that we just added.

Step 2: Add custom code for the login logic

After finishing the page setup, we can start with adding custom code to the Login Page. Copy paste the code below to the custom code tab on the Login Page settings.

Page Settings
Scroll down to “Custom Code” section
  1. Get Cotter JS SDK

Add the code below to the head of the Login Page.

2. Initialize Cotter

Add the code below to the body of the Login Page.

Make sure that you have pasted your API Key ID on the code block above.

You need to Publish your Site to see the login form.

Protected Page Setup (and any other page you want to protect)

Now let’s move on to the protected page.

Step 1: Add elements to show the logged-in user’s email and a log out button

To show the logged-in user’s email:

  • Include a header (h2) element.
  • Set that header id to “welcome-text-heading” in order to load the user’s email address

To show the log out button:

  • Add a button element with button id “signout-button” to enable sign out functionality for the user.

Step 2: Add custom code for the logic

Moreover, we’ll be adding custom code to both the head and the body. We’ll be adding custom code to the header to check if a user is logged in and to fetch the user’s OAuth token. The custom code in the body will be used to parse the user data and display their email on the page.

  1. Check if the User is Logged In

Add the code below to the head of the Protected Page

Make sure that you have pasted your API Key ID on the code block above.

2. Display User Data and Page Content

Add the code below to the body of the Protected Page

Make sure that you have pasted your API Key ID on the code block above.

Part 3: Publish and Test

We’ve arrived at the last part of this tutorial and all that you need to do is to click publish and test Cotter’s magic link authentication for your Webflow website!

Questions & Feedback

Come and talk to the founders of Cotter and other developers who are using Cotter on Cotter’s Slack Channel.

Ready to use Cotter?

If you enjoyed this tutorial and want to integrate Cotter into your website or app, you can create a free account and check out our documentation.

If you need help, ping us on our Slack channel or email us at

Originally published at on July 13, 2020.

