New: Add Github and Google OAuth to Your Login Form

Michelle Marcelline
Published in
4 min readOct 6, 2020

Allow users to log in to your site using their Github and Google accounts.

With Cotter, we automatically link the user’s existing account with their Social Account, so you do not have to worry about duplicate accounts.

Social Login: documentation

How it works

If a user signs in to your site with Google with an underlying email

Sign up for the first time using Github or Google: Automatically create a user with the Github or Google account’s underlying email

Sign up or login with a Github or Google account with an underlying email that matches a registered email: Ask if the user wants to link the two accounts

Login with a Github or Google account that is linked to an existing account: Automatically log in to the account

*Please update the JS SDK to the latest version

Also New in Cotter This Month

Verify Cotter’s Access Token using our API

Verify Token using API

For Webflow users or developers who are going serverless, you can now call Cotter’s API to verify the access token that Cotter produces when a user successfully logs in.

Verify Access Token using API: Documentation

Custom CSS now available for both Magic Link and OTP

Custom CSS

You can now style the component by passing a Styles object to the config to style the login form when using Magic Link or OTP.

Custom CSS: documentation

*Please update the JS SDK to the latest version.

Custom JWT Claims

Custom JWT Claims

You can now request to add custom attributes to Cotter-issued Access Token. You can include attributes like `user_id`, `role`, etc. to give you easy access to those information on your API handlers.

Custom JWT Claims: Documentation

Send User Data to Webflow/Google Sheets using Zapier

Automatically send registered user’s email/phone and Cotter User ID to your Webflow CMS or Google Sheets.

Webflow CMS: Tutorial
Google Sheets: Tutorial

Restrict Login to “Allowed” Emails Only and Add Emails to Waitlist using Google Sheets

Restrict login to your Webflow/Bubble site to allowed emails only by checking your Google Sheets email list.

Webflow: Tutorial
Bubble: Tutorial

Cotter Login Form now works on Incognito

The issue where Cotter Login Form did not load when cross-site cookies were blocked is now fixed! Please note that some functionalities that rely on cookies (WebAuthn, Social Login) will not work if cookies are blocked.

Reset Secret Key

We have opened more API endpoints that make use of the API_SECRET_KEY that we issued. Go to your Dashboard > Projects and you can now get a new secret key if you lost it.

Redirect to Login Page from Magic Link Approval Page

You can now click on the “Login Here” button after clicking the magic link to continue to the login page without having to go back to your original tab.

User List in Cotter’s Dashboard

See a list of users who logged in to your site from Cotter’s dashboard. You can also search for users by their ID or email/phone number.

Questions & Feedback

Come and talk to the founders of Cotter and other developers who are using Cotter on Cotter’s Slack Channel or email us at

Originally published at on October 6, 2020.



Michelle Marcelline
Editor for

Sharing my journey, learnings, successes, and failures building (Notion-like NoCode website builder)