Cotton Coin Technology — Freedom For The Cotton Industry


Cotton is a textile fiber of vegetable origin typical of the tropics, the most important and most widely consumed worldwide. It was cultivated for the first time in Asia, in the Indian subcontinent 7,000 years ago, where civilization developed cotton spinning and weaving methods that are still used in modern Indian industry.
It was later adopted by the Greeks and the Persians who joined in the cultivation and exploitation of the resource. Some Latin American countries such as Peru and Mexico also introduced cotton cultivation as part of the commercial activity of the time. The cotton was used mainly for the manufacture of clothes and other textile garments that replaced the use of animal skins. In Europe it was compared to sheep “Lana” in the beginning and recognizing it as an imported fiber; to know their plant origin were interested in how to stock this element. Between the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 14th century, with the British expansion and colonial rule, the cotton-based manufacturing industry was replaced by cotton processing and textile workshops, as an industrial activity subject to monopolized mercantile policies.

In the course of history, cotton has played an important role in the world, becoming an ambitious project where everyone wants their share. The issue is covered by a disproportionate management of power and sectarianism where irrationality is its main vector.


At present, countries in Asia (China, India), the Middle East (Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Turkey), the United States of America and Brazil in South America lead the cotton trade with more than three quarters of world production.
The cotton industry is a difficult area for entrepreneurs to venture into since its historical overview and worldwide reputation do not leave much to be desired especially for those who seek to invest with security and guaranteed solidity.
In the field activities farmers do not have real support and face difficult economic problems such as:

  • Lack of government support
  • Pricing regulations
  • Access to chemical products for pest control
  • Bad contractual conditions
  • Lack of financial policies for the development of agro-industry
  • Adverse climate conditions caused by climate change
  • Vices within the cotton production, supply and distribution chain
  • Impuntuality of payments

Just to mention the most relevant, it is to understand that all these failures would be inherited by those who bet to establish relations with the cotton industry.
According to data offered by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), which is responsible for agricultural research, agri-food policies and technological innovation of nations; There is a crisis of a human nature in the countries of the third world, mainly in India, where the cotton workers after their abnegation to the work of the field, see their possibilities limited by the hands of an abrasive and corrupt system. Falling into a situation of indebtedness and state of indigence, in many cases with diseases such as Byssinosis produced by inhalation of mycotoxins present in vegetable fibers such as cotton. Additionally, cases of suicide and poisoning are recorded.

All these factors have an impact on product quality and economic development, taking into account that the industry competes with other textile technologies such as: Synthetic fiber, artificial fibers, wool, silk, linen, etc. Said literally; Cotton needs to be oxygenated to gain a boost in commerce and to remain the main natural fiber of global interest.


In search of a viable and impactful solution on a world scale, efforts are coordinated between government agencies, the cotton industry and the workers’ union.
The most important problems have been identified: Lack of funds and loss of confidence in the field. There is no balance between the support provided to farmers in developed countries and those in the third world. The generation of subsidies and financing from governments does not arrive at parity with rural workers due to acts of corruption; similarly, monitoring mechanisms to guarantee transparency are vulnerable.

When the supply chain is dismantled, at the same time, industry is weakened and corrupted. Irremediably it translates into hoarding, scarcity and speculation. It is not worth rescuing production if the regulatory, control and surveillance mechanisms are not created that constantly influence all the processes of the supply chain to guarantee efficiency.


The Cotton Coin project consists in the creation of a payment system with cryptocurrencies through BlockChain that facilitates transactions within the cotton industry and that can counteract the effects of the embezzlement sustained for years.
Cotton Coin will be oriented to generate the balance taking into account mainly the countries of the third world which are the least favored.
Consider the “Worker”; which will feel vindicated in its functions and fully in accordance with the new method of payment which corrects the mistakes made, showing that all sacrifices and lost lives could have been avoided.
It will guarantee fair trade where companies will regain confidence, resume investment in the sector without fear of losing, stimulating emerging trade and new entrepreneurs.
Cotton Coin once installed will take into account the consumer who will be attracted by the benefits of an optimally functioning industry.
The Government authorities will be able to bring their benefits and contributions of law since the system, now refined, will allow to reach new agreements, such as: allocation of subsidies, credits, payment modalities, trusts, social contributions, surplus value and discussion of collective agreements, between others. Since it will have solvency and liquidity with the implementation of Cotton Coin, considering it is a distant mechanism of centralism.
Taking into account the inclusion of new personnel, exceptional talents, generation of relief, promotion of jobs, etc. Helping to solve the weaknesses in the cotton production, supply and distribution chain.

Cotton Coin will face corruption based on the decentralization and robustness of BlockChain technology where operations will be shielded, subject to audit and traceability at the disposal of the parties.


The cotton company was born to meet the needs of society by obtaining economic compensation in exchange for investors. The problem is that throughout history other interests began to haunt its administrative functioning.
The process of industrialization of cotton left aside its greatest bulwark “The man”. He forgot the human resource and its need for self-realization.
Therefore, the time has come to use the means to correct the damage caused and return to the purpose for which it was created, which is: “Serve society.”
Cotton Coin has the incorruptible technology of BlockChain which generates a record of extreme confidence that nests all the CryptoFinancial operations.
I support my theory that people should be free to manage their finances without interposition from third parties.
Instant payments without intermediaries are a feature of Cotton Coin which means trust and traceability. The personalized mutual payments are typical of the new crypto-financial era which includes the Cotton Coin network as an alternative to the use of cash to avoid the diversion of resources by mafias.
Its technology has a back-end software design for tracking that processes the input of the interaction between users, capable of managing more than 1,000,000 transactions per day from the hand of the producer to the final consumer.
Decentralized point-to-point technology does not require a third party to act as a bank to complete the transaction.
The P2P networks created in BlockChain allow exchanging information between peer nodes, it is one of the most effective personalized tools, optimizing the use of bandwidth which foresees the growth of the ecosystem in the future and access to the network from anywhere, even if it is remote localities such as some peasant settlement or agricultural community.
The market of Cryptocurrencies has a fleeting growth and promises to consolidate itself as the main financial system of the world, it is advisable to venture into this field since the advantages in relation to the traditional system are greater.
According to the estimates made by the Cotton Coin team, once the platform enters, it will serve more than 10,000 agents and 30 million participants (farmers, agents, buyers, etc.) around the world.


Cotton Coin is designed with cryptographic support and security protocols that make it safe and reliable.
It is resistant to ASIC with sufficiently complex X11 hash algorithm that provides maximum level transactional security. It prevents users outside the industry from improperly using Cotton Coin by marketing it only as a lucrative way. Since the integrated design of specific application made to measure is designed for the particular use.
Applies the PoS test mode (Proof-of-Stake) is an algorithm that requires the user trajectory and reputation in a certain Cryptocurrency to opt for the exchange (Request for possession test).
In this way Cotton Coin is prepared to improve the customer experience and optimize operations; With PoS the client must have a portfolio with a large amount of accumulated Cryptocurrencies to access to buy more. Provides additional coins to node holders as an incentive for their contribution to the ecosystem.
Cotton coin has developed applications for intelligent equipment compatible with free software and operating systems; Windows, iOS and Linux that are available to every user.
The dApps allow workers, buyers and customers to interact quickly. Verifying in the site characteristics of the merchandise like: Weights of the packages, information of shipment, directions, etc, allowing concrete trazabilidad.
Until now, the system has two B2B dApps designed with delivery tracking, price monitoring and authentication of sources and B2C in mind to guide the final consumer to make the purchase directly.
A B2B dAppfront-end helps authenticate cotton sources, tracks delivery and controls cotton prices, while a B2C dApp
Its friendly interface comes in several languages ​​for greater interaction and user understanding when using your mobile device. Its global nature allows you to send and receive payments around the world
The use of dApp is customized to adapt to the needs and demands of the client is based on roles, and each function (eg, Industry, refining house, packaging, etc.) has its own processes, menus and functions.
Masternodes allows users to integrate to the platform using their equipment forming the large network of security nodes to protect the information and enlarge the capacity of the network attributing functionality and bandwidth for greater speed and data flow, allowing transactions snapshots, at the same time that the return on investment is guaranteed through daily rewards.
The more nodes that occur, the lower the probability of suffering a cyber attack or being the victim of a virtual scam, while reducing costs.
To guarantee the privacy and confidentiality of the data Cotton Coin uses Darksend a platform that allows anonymity. Avoiding the tracking of payments by attackers and eliminating any possibility of fraud.
The Cotton Coin coin will be the center of the project, according to its good use, upward exchanges, buyers of tokens, as well as other future projects are expected to reach the self-sustaining platform.
When equality and justice are achieved within the cotton industry; access to cotton information; Fraud, collateral effects and the impact of epidemics on emerging nations are reduced; educate and encourage the consumer; it creates healthy competitiveness within the cotton industry; Right at that moment Cotton Coin will consider this stage of his mission accomplished. It is worth mentioning the great thanks we owe to Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous creator of BlockChain, the decentralized technology that allows all this to be possible.



  • By leaning on the supply chain of the cotton industry, which generates the largest amount of valuable information for the development of the project, Cotton coin could include the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to contribute to the operations. Making use of micro tasks that users can make in exchange for rewards. The necessary information would be generated so that the database of the computer systems can offer answers based on logic, later they would be used to program AI equipment. Bearing in mind that AI is nourished by human intelligence.
  • Although the inclusion of the Tokens ERC20 system could generate unwanted behavior in Cotton Coin’s economy, where it can be commercialized with the currency using it for profit and not for growth in the area of ​​the cotton industry. that sometimes you can take advantage of possible adversities.
    Recalling that the ERC20 is the most powerful monetary system, being considered as an ally or collaborator of Cotton Coin, it would attract a large number of investors to the project.
  • A large part of the cotton supply chain would reduce the environmental pollution it generates on a large scale, since when using blockchain as a system there would be an efficient consumption of energy and some operations that require the use of physical spaces would be dispensed with.
  • It is recommended to join the team Cotton Coin talented people with extensive knowledge and proven experience in the area of ​​blockchain technology developers to ensure the permanent updating of the platform, as well as the demographic growth of the ecosystem, the creation of new adjusted dApps to the demands of the user, all through a friendly interface.
  • The most important point would be to create a negotiation system through intelligent contracts that allow the security and transparency of the negotiations, as well as the elimination of the intermediary and the reduction of costs per transaction, always based on the blockchain history widely auditable.
  • Another considerable advantage would be an informative and culturization campaign through a Web Portal that allows the user to document, learn from the branch, as well as the applicable crypto-financial management as the mode of economic exchange that dominates the world.
  • Historically, slavery was used as a means of domination and exploitation of the cotton industry. More than 200 years ago, I liberated the oppression infused on mainly aboriginal peoples, implanting the abuse of power, strength and terror. Today with all the good intentions that Cotton Coin promotes, the doors open to a consolidation of the system and a second liberation of the oppressive force currently represented by corruption, monopolies, mafias, associations to commit crimes, influence management, power struggle, cumbersome agreements outside of legality.
  • With a cryptofinanciero handling of tip and the technology that offers blockchain. I keep reminding you that in the alliance there are the foundations that lead to success in the world of business and investment. I completely agree with the wise words of Mr. @ crypto.piotr where he points out the positive of associating with valuable and committed people to achieve collective success.

This writing contest is sponsored by Cotton Coin Technology:

This is my article for the contest.

Thanks to:
Cotton Coin

Atte. From Venezuela

