Helium Miner: How to Set Up Your Helium Network?

Jack Xue
COTX Networks — Official Channel
15 min readJun 3, 2022

Author: Eason Han @COTX Networks

Helium Miner: How to Set Up Your Helium Network?

Our today’s blog post has been structured to teach you how to install and optimize the Helium network or Helium miner so that you can get a better HNT crypto reward.

Our products include hotspots and software. Once you install the product, it can provide wireless services to the public, and you, as a hotspot owner, can get cryptocurrency rewards. Undoubtedly, you want to get a better crypto reward, but it needs some skills and knowledge about RF (radio frequency), software, the Internet, etc. Along similar lines, this article is to teach you how to install and optimize the Helium hotspot so that you can get a better reward.

Majorly, the article incorporates a step-by-step guide that revolves around network planning, hardware preparation, installation steps, optimization steps, troubleshooting, and Helium Network status and recommendations for optimization for HNT Crypto Rewards.

Step1: Network Planning

Find a Suitable Installation Area:

First of all, you need to find a suitable installation area. Accordingly, you may examine the density of installed equipment in the safe zone you intend by logging on here.

You can find both of these websites online. Remember that it is not suggested to do repeated installations in crowded places since an excessively high density would have an effect on the lowering of the transmit scale and, therefore, crypto rewards.

Details about the hex system: Hex Density-Based Transmit Reward Scaling, or HIP17 for short.

Selection of the Installation Site:

The next step is the ultimate selection of the installation site within the selected area. Inside the area designated for the installation, seek a location within that region that has both electricity and a network, which can be utilized for the installation of the equipment.

If more than one location is available, it is recommended that you choose the location that offers the most significant height and a clear view of the antenna. If there is more than one device that has to be put, there should be at least 300 meters of space between each location.

In order to prevent RF interference, it is essential to remember that radio transmitting equipment, including 4G/5G base stations, should not be installed on towers, and you must maintain a safe distance from radio transmitting sources.

Requirements for the Network:

Here you go through the requirements for the network. First of all, it is suggested to have a bandwidth of 10 Mbps or above, combined with minimal network latency and stable connections. Apart from that, it is also recommended to use wired networks first, then 4G networks, and lastly, WIFI networks, although only to a reduced degree.

Sooner or later, on the Helium network, or say Helium miner, Full Hotspot is anticipated to be converted to light mode. This light mode option does not need a public IP address and uses far less network traffic than Full Hotspot does now. Moreover, when it comes to delivering network access via a 4G router, the light mode is a viable alternative.

Click here for the information on the light mode.

Step2: Hardware Preparation


Here you see a couple of major equipment and software required for a smooth-running network.

Host: Hotspot (COTX hotspot with power adapter and network cable included).

Required Accessories: Outdoor antenna, feeder cable, outdoor antenna mounting accessories.

For the sake of your information, COTX E-Store offers more savings on combo items:

COTX-Store: X3 Full hotspot and X3 Antenna Combo

Accessories for Outdoor Installations:

As far as the accessories for outdoor installations are concerned, these are given below:

  • 4G Router: If there is no wired network access, it is advised that a 4G router be used, and it is recommended that you contact the operator of your local ISP to obtain one.
  • Fan: During the warmer months, a fan may be used to improve ventilation and aid in the removal of heat.
  • Power Extension Cord and Powerboard: Used to provide power to the 4G router, the fan, and the hotspot.
  • Waterproof Casing: It is not advisable to pick a waterproof case that is fully airtight; the appropriate method of cooling is to keep it vented as much as possible.
  • Optional Installation: Installing filters and lightning protectors is entirely optional.

Outdoor antennas, X3 fans, filters, lightning protectors, and other accessories are available for sale in the COTX E-Store:

COTX-Store: COTX X3 Cooler

COTX-Store: COTX Lightning Arrestor

COTX-Store: COTX SAW band Filter

Required Software:

The required software usually contains miner and hotspot applications and web management systems. Here you have a look at them, along with some more details:

  • Helium Miner APP: Set up and manage your $HNT wallet using the Helium miner APP. (How do you download Helium APP?)
  • COTX APP: COTX Hotspot onboard and daily maintenance are both supported by this APP, which is entirely consistent with the standards for the Maker APP outlined by the DeWi MOC. (How do you download COTX APP?)
  • COTX Hotspot Web Management: Web Management is an online application that connects to the COTX hotspot using a web browser. It is referred to as COTX Hotspot Web Management. It monitors the information pertaining to the device’s operations. Therefore, the owner of a COTX hotspot may monitor and administer the COTX hotspot via an environment consisting of LAN and Wi-Fi. (COTX Hotspot Web Management manual)
  • Manage Your COTX Hotspot Remotely by COTX Hotspot Cloud Service: The COTX Hotspot Cloud Service is a management platform for public hotspots, which is hosted in the cloud and available to owners of hotspots. You may join up as a user and add other types of hotspots to the platform at any time if you own a hotspot. This will allow you to manage all of your hotspots from one location.

Step3: Installation

So, here comes the time when you see the installation steps for your convenience.

Upgrade on First Boot:

In order to upgrade the device, you must first turn on the machine for the first time, at which point you must also connect it to the Helium network by plugging in a network cable. When the device is connected, an upgrade can be downloaded automatically.

Locate the current device IP on the device screen, and then input this IP into your browser. This will empower you to monitor the progress of the update status using the COTX Hotspot Web Management interface. (How to login COTX Hotspot Web Management?)

Registered Equipment:

Having registered equipment is a crucial step, which swirls around the following key points:

  • Create a Helium Wallet Account: Install the Helium APP on your device, then follow the on-screen instructions to set up a wallet account (you must remember the 12-character key and write it on a piece of paper, as it cannot be recovered if you lose it).
  • Register Your Device: Declare your location and register your device with the Helium Network APP or the COTX APP. The process for using a hotspot and configuring it may be found at the link here.
  • Check Registration Status: You may verify the results of the device registration by going here and entering the Helium miner name. You may also examine the outcomes of your registration by using the “explorer” function in the COTX Hotspot Web Management.

For the Asserted Location to work correctly, the user’s mobile device has to have GPS turned on, and the device also needs to be in a state that is functionally equivalent to block synchronization.

Using COTX Hotspot Cloud Service to Remote Manage the Hotspot:

To create an account, you need to sign in to the COTX Hotspot Cloud Service. Include Walletspace on the Dashboard page (add up to 2 Walletspaces, and name them as you wish).

You may verify the current state of the device when using the Hotspot interface to add a hotspot. (You can add up to ten hotspots per Walletspace, and support is provided for hotspots operated by third parties.) Remember that the COTX Hotspot Cloud Service is capable of supporting heterogeneous hotspots. This means that the Helium hotspots of other brands may also be controlled using the COTX Hotspot Cloud Service.

Hotspot Installation Guidelines:

Here are a few crucial points to consider regarding the hotspot installation:

Antenna Installation: When installing an antenna, it is strongly suggested to make use of an outside antenna and to provide the adequate height so that the antenna is free from obstructions.

About the Pulsar Cable: When it comes to the Pulsar Cable, you should make an effort to select a short pulsar cable. If you place the hotspot into an outside waterproof box, you may reduce the length of the pulsar cable. In the same way that excessive bending of fiber optics cables may impact performance, excessive bending of RF pulsar cables can have the same effect. (COTX-Store: Pulsar Cable)

About Interference: Because of the principle of radio transmitting equipment, it is not suggested to co-locate the installation with 4G/5G base stations. This is because interference may result from doing so.

About Lightning Protection: It is suggested to install an antenna Lightning Arrestor and ensure appropriate grounding to prevent financial losses. This is especially important if there is not a lightning rod or anything similar installed around the antenna. (COTX-Store: Lightning Arrestor)

About Filters: It is necessary to make use of the RF Wireless Analysis feature contained inside the COTX Hotspot Web Management in order to evaluate the circumstances around the site and to set up filters for the appropriate frequency band, if necessary. COTX-Store: SAW Filter.

Step4: Optimize Your Hotspot Setting

Through the COTX Hotspot Cloud Service, the COTX APP, or the COTX Hotspot Web Management, you have the ability to examine the operational condition of the equipment at any time. In the not too distant future, you will also find an online status subscription function to COTX APP so that you may get alerted of anomalous equipment status whenever you choose.

Blockchain Synchronization:

Through the “COTX Hotspot Web Management” interface, you can view the blockchain height of the device. But remember that hotspots in a light mode no longer store blockchain information.

How to check syncing status?

In addition, when there is a significant gap in the height of the blockchain between the device and the Helium Network, you have the option of making use of the FAST SYNC function. Because an unsuccessful FAST SYNC connection might be caused by an Internet connection that is either too slow or too unreliable, it is advised that you connect to the Internet through a cable.

How to accelerate sync?

Check Transmit Scale:

You may get the Transmit Scale of your hotspot by clicking here. The transmit scale is a scale that reflects how dense a hexagon is (the number of hotspots in its parent hexes) at various resolutions ranging from resolution 12 all the way down to resolution 4. This scale is represented as a number that is assigned to each helium hotspot, utilized in the calculation of the HNT crypto reward that corresponds to the proof of coverage event.

Keep in mind that the HNT crypto reward will be impacted by the transmit scale. If it is less than 0.2, it is strongly suggested that you select a different installation site.

Make use of the Location tool to determine the number of hotspots in your immediate vicinity. Furthermore, by following the instructions provided on the website, you may plan the most effective location for the Hotspot’s deployment. (Where should COTX X3 be installed?)

Check Network Relayed:

Before going further, just keep in mind that the light mode hotspot does not run a P2P network, no public IP is required, and no Relayed status is displayed. Anyways, when it comes to checking network relayed status, it can be accomplished by going to this website.

Check that the Observed Listen IPv4 Address coincides with the Listen Address that was reported by the API. The Helium Network API address may be delayed by anywhere from a few tens of minutes to many days. It would be best if you waited for the API address to be updated while keeping the device connected to the Internet and ensuring that it is plugged in.

The public IP address that the hotspot makes use of has to be stabilized. If the public IP address that the device is using is ever changed, it will cause a significant amount of errors on the network and damage the HNT crypto reward. Make use of the network cable, and put the Wi-Fi feature out of your mind.

What are Hotspots Being Relayed?

How to deal with Hotspots Being Relayed?

Check the Effectiveness of the Antenna Installation

Please choose the appropriate outdoor antenna for your needs and put it at a height that is higher than the adjacent buildings. Examine the maximum amount of LORA packets that may be received by web-based wireless analysis in one day. The greater the number, the better. The amount of space covered by radiofrequency waves (RF) can be expanded by putting antennas at greater heights or by replacing them with models that have more gain.

RF Wireless Analysis page in the COTX Hotspot Web Management tool

Ambient Noise Issue:

One of the most significant contributors to LORA data reception is the presence of background or ambient noise. For the record, the installation of filters has the potential to effectively improve the influence that ambient noise has on the receipt of LORA data.

How do you solve the ambient noise problem?

Check Hotspot History Information:

The following chart, found in COTX Hotspot Web Management, is used to determine the state of the hotspot’s functioning by displaying the 7-day local block to network block height trend as well as the difference between the two. This includes issues with the network, disk space, electricity, and so on.

  • The green line represents the Current Height(from Hotspot local Helium miner)
  • The blue line represents Total Height(from Helium Network API)

7 Days Blockchain Height Trend Chart

Step5: Troubleshooting

We have compiled and written down as many questions as may arise regarding troubleshooting. Simply answer the question by clicking on the appropriate option.

Step6: Helium Network Status & Recommendations for Optimizing HNT Crypto Rewards

As of April 2022, there are now over 700,000 hotspots reported around the planet. With this figure in mind, you may imagine the competitive landscape worldwide for having a smooth running and optimized Helium network for HNT crypt rewards. But again, this is not true at all times. Let us have a look at some significant recommendations for optimum consequences.

High Hotspot Density Area: Generally speaking, the density of hotspots is significantly higher in metropolitan regions. Therefore, it is exceedingly challenging for new hotspots to locate appropriate sites in which to install themselves in urban areas with a high density of existing hotspots. As a result of the fact that the current hotspots have already been established in high-density regions, they are subject to a growing density of surrounding equipment as well as a reducing transmit scale, which eventually results in a reduced HNT crypto reward.

Low Hotspot Density Area: In most rural areas, there are either very few or none of these hotspots at all. Helium’s long-term goal is to establish an Internet of Things infrastructure that is ubiquitous since the company believes it would be counterproductive to focus just on increasing density in metropolitan areas while leaving rural areas with low densities. In point of fact, developing localized networks in low-density regions, such as rural areas, is a simple yet effective strategy for achieving significant levels of HNT crypto reward.

$HNT Crypto Rewards Analysis and Optimization Targets:

Subsequently, here you have a look at a few guidelines:

  • Challenger: The theoretical maximum limit is 1.5. Thus, it is imperative that it does not go over the limit that has been set.
  • Beacon: The relative average is 1.5, and the hotspot is being challenged in a random fashion; it is unable to breach the maximum limit.
  • Witnesses: The relative average is 21, and it is possible to optimize it based on the hotspot density of its surroundings, the RF reception range, and the network environment.
  • Data Transfer: The amount of data transfer is dependent on the number of service terminals for the Helium network that are located within the RF coverage region.

As a result, improving Witness is the most effective strategy for increasing HNT crypto rewards.

Standard Methods to Optimize Witness and Their Effectiveness

The standard approach is to make use of more robust outdoor antennas, raise the antenna to a greater height, and cover a more significant number of devices in the neighborhood. This enables the RF to acquire as many Beacons as possible and obtain a more advantageous witness award.

However, since there is a restriction of a maximum of 14 witnesses, this optimization is a classic zero-sum game. This implies that adding more Witnesses to one device will result in fewer Witnesses being added to other devices. And in regions with an excessive number of hotspots, the competitive success rate of 14 Witnesses drops to a deficient level. This is because of the fact that the density is extreme, as well as the fact that an excessive number of hotspots are capable of receiving Beacons.

Ideas for Boosting HNT Crypto Reward: Optimizing Witness Quality

A localized and scalable network contributes to the success of 14 Witnesses in the competition. When a Hotspot is installed in a rural region that has a low density of other hotspots, the success rate of the competition is guaranteed to be 100% if there are less than 14 hotspots that receive a beacon. Conversely, Witnesses with low Witness counts in small networks have higher values.

The following comparison illustrates the disparity in Witness gains that might occur depending on the number of witnesses. But remember that gains are also affected by other factors such as the total number of all Witnesses in the period, the Transmit Scale, and so on. Consequently, here you should try to choose the same conditional average value.

This calculation is hypothetical and is used to simulate the actual situation.

An Efficient Way to Get High HNT Crypto Reward

In conclusion, building a small network in places with a low hotspot density region, such as rural areas, is a simple approach to receiving a big HNT crypto reward. This is because rural areas have fewer hotspots per square mile. According to HIP15, the number of hotspots that is the theoretically most efficient for networking is five.

It should be noted that factors like the loss of wireless signal, natural environmental barriers, lost devices, and network packet loss can all have an impact on the HNT crypto rewards.

All at once, a typical scenario for a small-scale network entails the following parameters: the network consists of around 13 units, approximately ten witnesses are validated each day, and the average payout for each unit is 0.5 HNT or higher.

Contact Us:

If you have questions or suggestions, please contact us:

Email: services@cotxnetworks.com

COTX Discord — https://discord.gg/cotxnetworks

