Making a Telegram Bot to Download MP3 from Youtube

Step by step creating telegram bot

Ronny Fahrudin
Coube Mind


Photo by Lana Codes on Unsplash

Here are the outlines of steps to make a telegram bot for downloading MP3s from YouTube videos.

  1. Make a new bot from BotFather on Telegram
  2. Set up Python Environment
  3. Install Required Libraries
  4. Code the Telegram Bot
  5. Run Bot

These are the details of each step.

1. Make a new bot from BotFather on Telegram

First, you have to go to Telegram and search @BotFather. Then make a new bot with the command “/newbot”. Then follow the steps in the picture below.

Bot Father result

Next, our bot name was registered into @FatherBot. We have HTTP API to insert our program. Here, we are inserting our program through Python. But, We have to make a new Python environment.

2. Set up Python Environment

To set up a Python environment you can follow this article.



Ronny Fahrudin
Coube Mind

Data Scientist | AI Engineer | Market Researcher | Blockchain Post-Quantum Cryptography Enthusiast |