The Blockchain Project that is Resistant to Quantum Computing Hacks

These are Blockchain projects to prevent quantum hacks

Ronny Fahrudin
Coube Mind


A. Introduction

Quantum computing is a rapidly developing field, with many projects underway around the world. A recent McKinsey & Company report shows that quantum computing is on the verge of realizing its full potential. While commercial quantum computers may still be available in the near future, Goldman Sachs has indicated that quantum algorithms could be used to price financial instruments within the next five years. In June 2023, an executive at IBM specializing in computing mentioned that quantum computers are entering a phase where computers become more practical and useful.

Quantum computing poses a major challenge to blockchain technology, potentially compromising key features such as data immutability, security, and tamper resistance. Most blockchains rely heavily on RSA encryption to secure transactions and cryptocurrencies. If fully functional quantum computers become a reality, they could potentially undermine modern blockchains by enabling the creation of counterfeit money and facilitating theft.

In the wrong hands, quantum computing could potentially be used to hijack large amounts of cryptocurrency. This technology could disrupt…



Ronny Fahrudin
Coube Mind

Data Scientist | AI Engineer | Market Researcher | Blockchain Post-Quantum Cryptography Enthusiast |