Firdaus Marthadinata Salim
Coube Mind
Published in
4 min readFeb 2, 2023


Why Do People Love Python and Why You Should Love it Too?

If you have extensive experience in software development, web development, or any programming field, you are undoubtedly familiar with the Python language. However, if you are a newcomer to the programming realm and have stumbled upon my article in an effort to gather information to answer any questions you may have, such as “Is learning Python worth it?”, “Should I prioritize learning Python over JavaScript?”, or “Will Python continues to be relevant in the future?” I must emphasize that the answer to these inquiries can only be determined by you, based on your individual needs and aspirations.

Nonetheless, I am eager to share my knowledge and understanding of Python, with the aim of assisting you in making an informed decision about whether or not to pursue learning this programming language.

What is Python?

I don’t want to burden you with the history of how Python was formed, after all, you are not here for research on the history of Python, but it wouldn’t hurt if we got to know a little bit of the background story behind the inception of Python.

Python was released in 1991 by Guido Van Rossum, a researcher at the National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science in the Netherlands. If you’re imagining that Python is one of the monstrously large reptiles, well, the name “Python” is taken from a British comedy group named Monty Python (the more you know).

Guido Van Rossum developed Python because he wanted to create a “High-level” programming language that was easy to read and could be used for various purposes and needs. He believed that with an intuitive and easily understandable programming language, it could be used not only by experienced programmers but also by novice programmers or those just starting to dive into programming (perhaps including yourself).

Now, it’s my belief that Python is a lot easier than to teach to students programming and teach them C or C++ or Java at the same time because all the details of the languages are so much harder. Other scripting languages really don’t work very well there either.

-Guido Van Rossum

His vision was realized with the arrival of Python, which is now used for various purposes, such as web development, data science, machine learning, etc.

What is Python usually used for?

Guido Van Rossum not only wanted Python to be a programming language that is easy to use and understand, but also versatile and able to be used for various purposes. And to this day, Python is widely used for various purposes that have made this “Snake” the most popular programming language in the world.

Data Science dan Machine Learning

If you heard about a programming language named Python, I bet that you have heard about it from either a data science boot camp advertisement somewhere or simply just a recommendation from friends.

It is true that many data scientists and machine learning engineers use Python, along with other programming languages. Additionally, there are many powerful libraries in Python for data science, data visualization, and machine learning that make life so much easier. This is one of many reasons why Python is so popular among data scientists and machine learning engineers and is offered in many Data Science short courses and boot camps.

Artificial Intelligence

In addition to machine learning, Python is also used for AI development, including NLP, computer vision, and neural networks.

Automation and Scripting

Because of the ease of the Python language, many developers (perhaps including yourself) use Python to automate repetitive and tedious tasks and slow if performed manually one by one, such as Data Processing, Web Scraping, or creating other scripts for a more complex task.

Web Development

Python is also one of the popular languages in web development due to the availability of many frameworks (Django, Flask, etc) and supporting libraries that can make life so much easier.

Data Analytics

With the ease of use of the Python language, coupled with the availability of numerous supporting libraries for data analysis, statistics, and data visualization, researchers are able to effortlessly adjust to using Python as a tool for data analysis.

The Pros

With the ease of use of Python as a programming language, there are several advantages of Python compared to other programming languages, including.

  1. The Python syntax is very easy to read and understand, making it easy for beginners to learn and use Python.
  2. Python is very versatile and can be used for a variety of purposes such as data science, AI, web development, etc.
  3. Python has a large and active community that provides support, and many programmers also use Python, making it easy to find support and help if needed by discussing it in online forums.
  4. Python has many powerful libraries and frameworks that can be used for various purposes such as web development, data science, machine learning, etc., which makes life easier by helping to develop complex applications more easily.
  5. Python can run on a variety of platforms such as Windows, MacOS, and Linux, and there are even mobile applications on IOS, and Android, which allow us to make Python scripts.

The Cons

Like other programming languages, Python also has limitations and drawbacks compared to others, including :

  1. In terms of performance, Python may be slower in terms of performance compared to other languages such as C or C++ for some CPU-intensive tasks, so there are some tasks that are more suitable to use C or C++.
  2. Python is not commonly used in mobile app development, there are other programming languages that are more suitable for mobile app development such as Java and Swift.

This is the story of the Python language, a language that is easier to learn and master than any other programming language. However, of course, Python also has limitations.

The decision to use and start learning python is in your own hands.


Parselmouth, sssshhhh ssshhhhhh



Firdaus Marthadinata Salim
Coube Mind

Exploring journey and sharing my insights along the way. Join me on my journey as I delve into Data Engineer and discover what makes us who we are 💬🧠