Introducing Couchbase 7 Beta, Mapping RDBMS to NoSQL



By: Jeff Morris

Couchbase Server 7 Beta

Couchbase Server 7 Beta is a very exciting release. It is available, free in both Enterprise and Community Editions. We encourage our entire community to download and try this groundbreaking release that features scopes and collections as new logical structures to organize and secure data in Couchbase.

As we enter this new decade, Couchbase 7.0 helps enterprises move beyond the limitations they have experienced for nearly half a century with relational database technologies — specifically the difficult balance between maintaining a physical database structure and the need for flexibility and adaptability from that structure. Couchbase 7 resolves this dilemma by adding new database constructs that are backwards compatible with traditional relational database structures yet offer the flexibility of JSON-based NoSQL. This is important because organizations are no longer tolerant of year-long development and test cycles to add new columns to tables that underlie business critical applications. Today’s cloud-native, digital transformation initiatives demand that applications adjust their data structures almost daily, without requiring months of testing afterward.

Download Couchbase Server 7 Beta Now

This post introduces several release-defining features in Couchbase 7 beta, of which we will elaborate over the coming months during the beta period. We will also point to additional information about these capabilities within the documentation and subsequent blogs. Couchbase 7 introduces new organizational structures, security models, performance optimizations and configuration alternatives that can be defined due to the addition of, “Scopes and Collections” within Couchbase Server 7.0. Today’s introduction will focus on these. To download Couchbase Server 7 Beta, head to our download page and select between Community and Enterprise Editions

Scopes and Collections

We have added Scopes and Collections as new ways to define and organize data in support of RDBMS compatibility, multi-tenancy for ISV’s building apps on Couchbase, and cloud-native development best practices.

Read Shivani’s blog to learn about Scopes and Collections in Couchbase 7.0 Beta

These new logical data organization features inside Couchbase that facilitate many new capabilities for the platform. For example, they improve the mapping between relational databases and NoSQL designs in Couchbase. These capabilities also improve our ability to support multi-tenant applications built atop Couchbase Server by using Role-Based Access Controls at each level within this new Couchbase data organization structure. Further, Scopes and Collections improve developers’ ability to create microservices-based applications and support cloud-native development practices. The feature cascades to introduce a number of new capabilities to each service including Query and Indexing, Analytics and Full Text Search.

Scopes and Collections support for multi-tenant applications are explained in this video session for Couchbase Connect.ONLINE

N1QL Query and Indexing Enhancements

Developers that know SQL will love N1QL, our query language even more. In Couchbase 7 Beta, N1QL receives an impressive number of new capabilities including support for the abovementioned Scopes and Collections, a patent-submitted cost-based query optimizer for Couchbase, transaction support within N1QL, user defined functions, memory usage quota setting and further improvements to the Index Advisor features. Plus the addition of scopes and collections has a very positive effect on Indexing — making indexes smaller, more targeted and faster.

N1QL Transactions are explored more deeply here by Product Manager, Binh Le

Additional Features

Couchbase 7 Beta includes even more capabilities than listed above this hefty list. For example the Analytics Service also inherits Scopes and Collections, allowing users to build collection definitions from DDL, as well as define user-defined functions for Analytics. Full Text Search also works within Scopes and Collections. And we’ve added User Defined Functions to the Query and Analytics services. These and other capabilities will be discussed in future posts.

Availability and Duration of Beta


What’s new

Release notes

Additional Blogs

Scopes and Collections for Modern Multi-Tenant Applications: Couchbase 7.0

Couchbase Transactions with N1QL

Get the Beta of Community Edition and Enterprise Edition

Couchbase 7 Beta is available for both Enterprise and Community Editions. Everyone can download the software from

Customer support is available via your regular support channels, while Community support is available through the Couchbase forums at

Jeff Morris is VP of Product, Solutions and Customer Marketing at Couchbase. He’s spent over three decades marketing software development tools, databases, analytic tools and other open source products. Needless to say, he’s a big believer in Couchbase. NoEqual. !=




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