Google Drive Migration Limitations

Published in
3 min readMar 9, 2021

Migrating files and content into Google Drive, users or shared drives can be straightforward. There are only two limitations when migrating into Google, one being shared drive limits and the other is a daily upload limit per user, however both are easy to work with, especially compared to the likes of SharePoint that has restrictions on character types and file path lengths. Migrating out of Google is a different story, but migrating in, is very simple. Below we will cover the two limitations of Google Drive and how you can work around them or with them.

Google Drive Limitations

Google Drive Shared Drive Limits

Google Shared Drive has a limit of 400,000 files per a shared drive. The only way to get past this, well you can’t. Your best course of action is splitting the data across multiple shared drives. However, knowing that this is an issue or understanding your data and file structure to work through this can be challenging, especially if you don’t have the right tool. A tool such as Movebot enables you to run a pre-scan across your entire Google domain (users and drives) and it provides you a breakdown on the data and how it is distributed. Best of all, it will provide you a flagged issue if it detects more than 400,000 files in a location prior to migrating into a Shared Drive.

google drive 400000 shared drive limits
An example of Movebot highlighting an issue prior to migrating following on from a scan

Daily Transfer Limits

Google has a hard and fast limit of 750GB upload per user. This impact migration times, especially larger organizational migrations who has a large amount of data going into shared drives. Unfortunately user to user migrations are bound by this limit, but data into shared drives can bypass this limit with Movebot. Movebot requires you to add additional service accounts that can have the data transfer load balanced across. More on Movebot additional connectors.

google drive 750gb daily upload limit user
Adding additional connectors to bypass Google’s 750GB daily upload limits

If you’re looking to migrate to Google Drive, or if you are planning your migration head to Movebot and see how both the team and the tool can help you. For a detailed guide on migrating to Google Drive head to Movebot’s knowledge base.

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