Egnyte Migrations with Movebot

Published in
3 min readAug 3, 2020

Egnyte is a single content platform that is a way to secure and manage all your content across distributed teams, devices and apps. Unlike other cloud storage providers, Egnyte has a centralized data structure, what you would expect from a traditional file server, but in the cloud. Compared to other cloud storage providers that offer an unstructured means (users “own” the data and then have to share it out) Egnyte is simple and great for organizations who like centralized data management.

If you have chosen Egnyte has your destination provider, see how easy it is to migrate to Egnyte from your current storage provider with Movebot. For a full guide see here, otherwise we will do a quick overview below.

The team at Movebot recommend using our Project Manager feature when migrating to Egnyte as it allows granularity and access to the full migration feature-set (permissions, metadata, versions, etc.).

First, you need to choose your source platform whether it be another cloud, or an on-premise platform. Then select Egnyte as your destination platform.

Once you’ve connected your platforms, you will now need to map your users and drives.

From here it’s smooth sailing, pop through and enable permissions, metadata and versioning if you wish to migrate these across also. Additionally, you can use REGEX to specify file filters (to exclude or specifically include specific files to migrate across).

Finally, you can now decide whether only a delta is migrated across, or you can also choose the region your migration is run from. Then it’s a case of kicking off the migrations and leaving it to us.

Movebot provides analytics and full reporting on your migration, whether it’s files that haven’t made it across, or you want to see a breakdown of your data.

Movebot makes migrating to Egnyte pretty easy and it keeps it simple regardless if you are looking to migrate 5TB or 500TB it’s all the same to us. Movebot is a zero risk migration platform that doesn’t touch your source content, think of it as a copy and paste. Navigate to and start your migration now.

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