Debunking the 6 myths of eSignatures.

Shree Harini
Published in
4 min readApr 19, 2018

MYTH#1 Should eSignatures resemble your original signature?

What needs to be realized is that signatures are nothing but just a confirmation. None can recreate the exact signature over and over again. There will still be some difference at each new try. So, the answer is no. eSignatures needn’t resemble the original signature. Because, that is not how eSignatures work. The concept of an eSignature is that the document was sent to your computer, tablet or phone using your email address and the IP of that device logged, then there was someone physically there to move the mouse — or their finger — in the signature box. Every esignature application works so and so does Countasign.

MYTH#2 Are eSignatures legally abiding?

eSignatures do take out the routine of pen and paper out of the deal. This will obviously make heads turn on the side of legality. But being honest , eSignatures are completely legal and abide by the laws of all states.

“The Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (ESIGN Act) states that a contract or document can’t be denied its legal effect, validity just because it’s in electronic form.” So, this puts up the fact eSignatures are as legal as written ones and you can start using them right away by signing up at,

MYTH#3 Using eSignatures need technical expertise.

This is so not true. eSignatures just need a good gadget like a tab or phone and you sign straight away with your finger or a stylus. A basic understanding of it is highly sufficient. Many companies that implemented eSignatures reported that the employees found it easy to use and were accustomed to it immediately.

Countasign has an easy to use UI with many companies getting used to it day by day. So why are you still behind them?

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MYTH#4 eSignatures require special softwares to be installed.

E-signatures do not need any kind of software prerequisites. All you need is a tablet or your smart phone and an internet connection.

Just your browser and for your esignature application.

MYTH#5 There is no proof over someone signing the doc — SECURITY.

eSignatues use Audit trailing that keeps a check at every point of the signing process. Audit trails include time of signature, IP addresses for signers and senders, and when a document has been opened. Audit trails keep track of the details necessary to verify the legality of a paper trail and also act as an added level of security for the users.

So, eSignatures are totally a secure option of digital signature.

Countasign is all safe and your documents are completely secure with us!

Want to try? Register at and start using.

MYTH#6 Eco friendly.

There is absolutely no doubt in esignatures being eco-friendly and paving way for a greener, paper free initiative. There are literally 50,000 papers manufactured from a single tree. we waste millions of paper in agreements and deals. Just by making it electronic, we tend to make a much nobler initiative of a greener environment.

PERK MYTH#7. eSignatures are only a trend.

eSignature is the present and the future of business agreements. Online signatures help to solve the challenge of getting a high volume of documents signed online, quickly and efficiently. This streamlining of administrative processes is positioned to impact and benefit everyone. From HR to insurance to construction to freelancers , eSignatures are picking up speed in most industries that rely heavily on printing and paperwork. eSignatures are more than just a trend. They are the future.

And we are building the future for you. Breaking the trends and becoming the happening thing, Countasign is here.

Having debunked all your myths, are you still baffled?

Go on and register!

Happy Signing with Countasign!

