When complications are uncomplicated

Shree Harini
Published in
4 min readDec 8, 2017

Are we even bothered to try out time and again when things get complicated? Let me put you through my experience. How many of you are intrigued by words and the magic that it creates? Being a student in the 5th semester of engineering, I always found words to be captivating.

That was when I set out to write. I decided to make my passion contribute to a need. Yes, I shot off at writing a blog. Then, it was high time for me to start applying for internships on content writing .

Of course i didn’t make my shot at every company. Eventually, a company volunteered in offering me an intern. I was very much into starting off immediately. The excitement was uncontrollable. It was going to be my first ever job! My first salary! My first very own effort! All these made me stand on cloud nine.

To much of a surprise the company showed equal interest in getting on with the work right from the next day. What else do i need? I was the happiest person ever. What next? The most hard phase was over! I was getting into a proper job! But then reality hit me hard!

Everything wasn’t over then. There came the most annoying part of any start. Agreements and MOUs! There needed to be signed dozens of papers between the two parties.

The hectic faxing and signing, took really long time and i spent nearly a week juggling around with papers. It never seemed to end! It seemed to me as though it was gonna take forever to finish it. Slowly the enthusiasm faded off! The pep I had came crashing down! My eagerness started to fade. I could see a sluggish rise in the status.

Efforts finally faded away and both of us totally got off the track looking into our other business. And eventually I forgot about it and it was clear that Iam not getting that intern anytime soon. Just a bunch of paperwork could bring down an effort of weeks and months. Funny! Isn’t it?

I just thought sometime I would get hold of something. I kept applying to various other companies as well. Then after a few months, a company accepted my application and I was put into the testing procedures. And yeah! I was finally selected. This boosted me up a bit. But then came my worst nightmare — the documentation stuff that i was really not ready for.

But , BUT!!! To be a stunner, all the paper work were done in a day. Yes, just a day! I was really taken back! Something that i waiting for really a long time came with just so much ease. All just in a swish! But how was this even possible? How was all those hectic paper juggling managed? Yes! E-signatures came to our rescue.

Ever heard of them? Well, if you are new to it as I was, here is how it was all done. E-sign is an easy way to sign every single agreement, deal or pact! It is a web application where you just have to upload your document, sign your document, edit it and send it to your peer who will also sign to finish your agreement. Both the recipient and the sender receives an email with a link to the agreement that was successfully signed by both the peers. Isn’t this just an awe? The worst thing that gets the nerves of literally everyone, was made possible within a nick of time! Wait! Did I mention?

Easy 3 Step Process

The e-sign application is the product of the company that hired me as an intern! This makes me even more exciting to start off! And yea I started off the next day, and going on until now.

So why wait? Sign anywhere, anything, at anytime!

