5 Keys to Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection

1. Individuals have a lot more offspring than they should

Ernest Wolfe
1 min readOct 28, 2016


  • Species tend to produce an excess of offspring, and since resources are limited, this means that…

2. Not all the offspring can survive

  • Offspring will compete for survival based on their biological fitness

3. Each offspring is different

  • If all the offspring were the same, then it would be random who survives
  • Fortunately, each offspring has different genes, so some are more fit to survive than others

4. Parents can pass on their traits to their offspring

  • Offspring that are fit to survive grow to become parents and have their own offspring
  • Therefore, they pass on the traits that allowed them to survive long enough to become parents

5. Different traits give offspring different abilities to survive

  • Some traits will help offspring survive, and some will hurt them
  • Nature is a strict judge and selects which ones survive and makes sure the traits that help survival stay in the gene pool while less ideal traits disappear through adaptations

