5 Simple Steps to Solve Solution Stoichiometry Problems

1. Figure out if it’s an M = n/V problem or a McVc = MdVd problem

Ernest Wolfe
2 min readFeb 12, 2017


  • M = n/V
  • What the formula means:
  • Molarity = number of moles / Volume (L)
  • Key words:
  • “react/reaction”
  • “titrate/titration”
  • What they’ll give you:
  • They’ll give you the concentration/molarity, volume, or mass of one substance in a chemical reaction and you have to convert it to another substance
  • two of the three variables between M, n, and V
  • McVc = MdVd
  • What the formula means:
  • Molarity of Diluted solution x Volume of Diluted solution = Molarity of Concentrated solution x Volume of Concentrated solution
  • this is a rearranged version of n=MV, basically saying moles of concentrated solute = moles of diluted solute
  • Key words:
  • “dilute”
  • “add water” or “mix with water
  • “concentrated solution” or “stock solution”
  • What they’ll give you:
  • multiple molarities/concentrations for the same substance
  • multiple volumes for the same substance
  • a volume of water being added

2. See what you need to solve for

  • “how many moles” / “what mass”
  • solve for n → n = MV → convert moles to grams if necessary
  • “what volume” / “how much solution”
  • solve for V → V = n / M
  • “what concentration” / “what molarity”
  • solve for M → M = n / V
  • “how would you prepare X solution”
  • find out the number of moles of solute, then convert that to grams and say

3. For M=n/V, convert everything to moles

  • Moles are the currency that allows you to convert from one substance to another
  • Once you’ve converted to moles, you can use a mole bridge to switch between substances in a reaction based on their coefficients

4. For McVc=MdVd, solve for 3 of the 4 variables

  • Sometimes, you will have to calculate the volume of the diluted solution
  • Vd = Vc + Vwater

5. For “How would you prepare X solution” problems…

  • If it’s an n=MV problem:
  • Find the mass of solute after finding moles of solute and the volume of the desired solution
  • Say “add enough water to X grams of [solute] to make Y liters of [desired solution]”
  • If it’s a problem where you want to dilute a concentrated solution:
  • Find the volume of concentrated solution and the volume of water added to make the diluted solution
  • Say “add X liters of water to Y liters of [concentrated molarity]M solution”

