10 Independent Watch Brands You Must Know

If you are tired of the same old hyped up brands, this list for you. And no. No Patek or AP anywhere on this list.

MVW Encyclopedia
Counter Arts


Credit: Baltic Watches

Independence should be valued a lot more than it currently is. Because in the world of capitalism, pretty much any brand (in any industry or art form) which manages to preserve their independence has a distinctive advantage over competitors owned by large conglomerates: every decision is truly theirs. The horrors of bureaucracy and greedy shareholders are minimized notably. This allows privately-owned brands to engage on creative pursuits with a lot more freedom. If the people managing the company are passionate, producing cool stuff is almost an inevitable result.

However, as Uncle Ben famously said: with great power comes great responsibility. Privately owned brands have “skin in the game”. That means every single decision matters. They just can’t go running over to daddy to help them when they screw up big time. The room for error in businesses like these is minimal since one big mistake can bring the whole house of cards down.

This might sound like a bad thing for some. Not for the costumer, though! Independent watch brands have no choice but to make a solid, attractive portfolio if they want to stay afloat. In many ways, you…



MVW Encyclopedia
Counter Arts

Movies. Video Games. Watches. If you are passionate about any of these, I guarantee I’ll piss you off at least once.