5 Nudes: Lidia

Five life drawings of one model

Simon Goss
Counter Arts


Lidia Candid 120324 © Simon Goss ARCA 2024

I know very little about Lidia, other than she is a regular, experienced model at the Candid Arts Trust in Islington, London. I have been drawing her in online sessions over the last three years. At the time of writing the Trust is under threat of closure due to a shortfall in earnings since development work began across the road from them. The noise and disruption caused by this has limited the services they were regularly providing. They are fighting to secure compensation and a means to continue the valuable work they have been doing in the Arts community for many years. The last session I joined with Lidia as model saw her give an impassioned, impromptu speech during the break, in support of the organisation.

My contact with Candid Arts has been limited to their excellent life sessions where they provide fuss-free access to four camera angles with a range of experienced models for a very reasonable fee. The sessions have been mercifully theme-free and have not featured any distracting props (my pet hate!). They run 1–2 sessions a day and I will miss the opportunity to join ad-hoc if they were to close.

You can learn more about this excellent organisation here:

