5 Nudes: Mari

Five life drawings of one model

Simon Goss
Counter Arts


Mari February 10 © Simon Goss ARCA 2010

Mari has been a regular model at Swansea Print Workshop for the past twenty years. A retired teacher and an enthusiast of ancient history and archaeology, she is well-travelled and always interesting to converse with. She is an exuberant woman, elegantly tattooed and bedecked in dangling jewellery, which I routinely ignore. I have always found her to be a proper challenge to draw successfully though— my failing not hers. Consequently, I have only a few drawings of her that I am entirely happy with, as I invariably fail to make a decent job of her face. In repose, she has a glum set to her mouth which gives completely the wrong impression of her character. The organiser of the group always says that when she smiles, the sun comes out and I hope that the selection I have chosen here do this steady, experienced model justice.

She is one of a relatively small group of older female models that I have had the pleasure to draw over the years. You can read about more of them here:

1 Mari Standing

