7 Steps to Move Out of the U.S.

It begins with your mindset, it ends with you finally living life.

Greyson Ferguson
Counter Arts


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For so many of us, the United States no longer offers what it once did. The cost to simply exist is becoming unbearable. Rent and mortgages gobble up most of the monthly wages, then student loans move in and eat up what’s left. Not long ago a quality vehicle could be purchased for under $20K. Now you’d be lucky to purchase a used one for under $30K. That doesn’t even begin to dive into medical prices or the cost of buying eggs and toilet paper at the store.

If you are like me, I did what I could to divvy up my finances, but even then it wasn’t enough. Add gun violence, political strife, and a dozen other issues into the mix and what’s left may no longer provide you with the future you desire.

I stayed in the rat race far longer than I should have, because what else could I do? Rent costs what rent costs, and if the store wanted to jack up the price of ramen noodles, what could I do?

I hadn’t a clue.

Until I moved away. Out of the United States.

Sure, there are things I miss. Oversized dryers. One-stop-shopping at Target. Dog hair lint rollers. But trying to track down grain-free dog food is much less of a mental stressor than wondering how I would afford…



Greyson Ferguson
Counter Arts

You might hate my first story, but maybe you’ll like the next. Ever dream of moving out of the U.S.? I wrote a book that can help: https://t.ly/OcQYG