Adobe Bought Figma: Is it Good?

Today, Adobe bought Figma for 20 billion dollars! So, what is next?

Gökser Pirik
Counter Arts
2 min readSep 16, 2022


Today, one of the biggest news of the day was Adobe buying Figma for 20 billion dollars! Today, Figma is surely one of the biggest design tools on the market that almost every visual content creator use.

Adobe, probably realizing they are about to lose the competition, decided to buy Figma.

However, from the user-side, is it good? I do not think so — hope I am wrong.

adobe bought figma

Let’s talk about Figma — shortly

Figma is a design tool service that offers an awesome free-tier lifetime membership. Even though their branding stresses “UI/UX Design”, Figma is so much capable of achieving every designer’s needs— with great community plugins and features.

In fact, many popular social media accounts use Figma for their all visual needs— so do I.

Figma is Chosen One

This acquisition is not something weird or unexpected. Adobe doesn’t like competition too much, they probably wanted fewer competitors. Especially when there is one, which can be used for many purposes.

logo of figma
Photo by GuerrillaBuzz Crypto PR on Unsplash

What Adobe Do Next

The biggest fear of the Figma users is obviously seeing their free-tier’s end. Current free-tier offers so much compared to Adobe’s usual free plans. (However, this free-tier is why today Figma sold for 20 billion dollars!)

Also, the possibility of some features being removed is not 0% and it surely comes to mind. As I mentioned before, people use this web app for almost everything.


After today, Figma’s features is something we do not know yet. Adobe might manage it almost the same as it is, or try to change it. We might see different alternatives coming up after a time. This acquisition is definitely a big deal for designers.



Gökser Pirik
Counter Arts

Interested in web & mobile app development. Like photography&videography. Student at METU. 20yo