Armistice Is UnAmerican!

The Never Ending Parade Of U.S. Militarism

aleXander hirka
Counter Arts


“An Anti-War Palette” — screenshot of author’s Photoshop desktop work space.

A truce.
An agreement made by opposing sides in a war to stop fighting.

Armistice Day.
The Commonwealth of Nations proclaimed it so at the end of World War I.

The United States chose to call it Veterans Day.
Hup-Two-Three-Four . . . March!
One more parade!

There was already a Memorial Day (since 1868, originally Decoration Day) — but that honored only those who had died while in military service.

And so Veterans Day was used to cover any and all who wore a uniform — whether it be because they were patriotically inclined to join, pushed into it out of economic desperation, or because they were drafted: train your body to kill or go to jail.

There’s also Armed Forces Day, for those currently in the U.S. military — which is quite a few since the U.S. has 750 military bases around the world. And the latest: Women Veterans Day, specifically for women who have served in the U.S. military. Something for the ladies until we get around to passing the Equal Rights Amendment.



aleXander hirka
Counter Arts

Writer, visual artist, philosopher, autodidact, curmudgeon. More than half of what i do is make believe.