Art Means…

Counter Arts Prompt: What Does Art Mean to Me?

Dave Logan
Counter Arts


Photo and Artwork by Author

Art has always been a part of my life.

I’m going to start with a different slant on this than most would think.

When I think of art, I don’t just think of the famous artists we learn about in school. Yes, I studied them in middle school and high school, and even a bit in college. My first experience with art though goes back to when I was a young child, Saturday morning cartoons.

I said it, cartoons and comic books could quite possibly be the art that influenced and captivated me the most. The characters and the colors of what I was seeing on my television just entranced me. Set aside whatever was being said by the characters for a moment. The creation and the lines were so simple and yet something to behold.

Comic books were the same thing. I didn’t care much for the storylines when I was a kid. Wonder Woman, Spiderman, Batman/Robin, and Superman were some of my favorites comics to look at. I would study how pictures were drawn. I always had tracing paper so I could practice over the comic pictures.

At some point, I think in 5th or 6th grade, a bunch of us started drawing our own stuff. At night, we would get notecards and turn them into our own personal trading cards with our characters drawn on the blank side. At…



Dave Logan
Counter Arts

Independent Bookstore Manager, Book Nerd, Storyteller, Mental Health Advocate. Writer & Editor @ Write Under the Moon.